I don't know why my fellow Democrats think they still hold any clout in DC!!!!If the Demo Senators try to block any legislation handed down by the Republican Congress?You are assuming that a overwhelming majority of Americans tust the Republican agenda.
Polls after last election showed a huge majority of America distrusting the Republicans as much as they distrust Democrats. This past election was more about pushing incumbents out than Republican policy. As a matter of fact, the Republicans have not yet given any specifics about their plan.
The Republicans are just as likely to be voted out the next time if things don't get better. No excuses..... so what if the Democrats vote against them? we expect our legislators to fix things. You guys have the ball now... NO EXCUSES. I see your question as a excuse and that pisses me off. Stop proactively whining and get to work.If the Demo Senators try to block any legislation handed down by the Republican Congress?
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If the Demo Senators try to block any legislation handed down by the Republican Congress?You have that a little backward, its the House that is the lower chamber, the Senate is above it.And you only have the house, the most contentious of the two, the house is on fire, and the Senate is a more deliberative body, designed to put the brakes on the lower house.
As to clout? If he ever gets around to using it, its the Presidents, courtesy of a veto pen. There isn't enough of a majority to overturn his veto. The Dems also have the senate, to take out the worst of the proposals.
Will they lose their seats, Not if things are good, not if the Republicans have looked like fools, not if the Tea Party cuts spending leading to job losses. The one term love affair needs more than just say no to continue.
Well, that didn't happen to the Republican Senators who repeatedly blocked legislation from the minority position over the past 2 years, so why do you think the Democrats, who still have a majority in the Senate, have less clout than the minority party did over the past 2 years?
Neither party will have much luck advancing their agenda if they are not willing to compromise. There is an opportunity to actually reduce partisan bickering. There is some hope, but I can't say I am extremely optimistic.If the Demo Senators try to block any legislation handed down by the Republican Congress?Gotta love it, though (if you're a conservative). They (Democrats) hold the power but are virtually powerless. Plus they can't use the whining excuse that EVERYTHING is run by the Conservatives.
It's a win-win situation, actually.If the Demo Senators try to block any legislation handed down by the Republican Congress?
The Republicans don't have to get any bills passed into law to be effective, all they have to do is keep passing legislation and passing it to the Senate, and of course let everyone know that they're doing this.
You mean handed up. It goes through house, then senate, then president.
Compromise is the only way. You can be proud of bull-dogged brinkmanship, but gridlock will not fix the pressing issues.If the Demo Senators try to block any legislation handed down by the Republican Congress?
Since the Dims still hold a majority in the Senate and have a Dim President, any Republican bills coming out of the House probably won't get far.
The Democrats are still the majority.
As long as neither party has a veto proof majority. The Demo's have something to bargain with.
Of course - that is the way the game is played. The GOP didn't get the name "Party of No" by playing nice.
The Democrats are the new "Party of No".
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