Monday, January 30, 2012

What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?

This news article explains how mistresses will have the same rights as a common-law or de facto wife, and will be eligible to take legal action for income support or a share of the assets should their relationship break up.

What are your thoughts on this? Disagree with giving mistresses a legal status, or agree that men who keep a second relationship outside of marriage have to pay for it?

Personally, I'm torn on the issue.鈥?/a>What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?That law only takes effect in Australia.

I believe it will cause major backlogs in the courts once the lawyers begin twisting the intent of the law.What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?
I completely 100% AGREE!

Not for just financial reasons but, as penalty %26amp; punishment! I think if married men new they may have "additional" financial repercussions other than divorce they may think twice about having extramarital relationships.

Edit: What gets me is most of all the people that commented didn't say anything negative about the husband who is the one who chose to have a mistress. It's sad that most wives are willing to blame a total stranger than the man who should love her enough to respect her. Keep in mind husbands are capable of lying to his wife so chances are he probably lied to his mistress to. In fact, he is probably already paying.What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?Now if the law would make the married man/woman personally totally financially responsible then great but somehow these laws always end up costing the tax payers which wouldnt be so great here. Leave it to our government to screw up a possibly good idea. This would be great for any woman who is tricked into the affair by fraud; the married person not admitting theyre married, but if both parties know exactly the marital status of each and enter voluntarily then this law should not apply. Of course as usual, people will lie for their own benefit. Dont let this bill fall back on the tax payer no way and it might work
Sorry to say I don't think its right for them to get the same rights. If there is a child from the relationship then yes he should have to support them but the other women no. Most the time the mistresses know the man is married and that is there fault for not leaving. They know they are in the wrong for being with the married man. Common sense should tell them he will never leave his wife for them and they shouldn't get money the wife should be getting due to his screwing around.What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?I dont think a mistress should have any legal rights period. A home wrecker is just a floozy who should have to suffer for her sins as well. As far as a man goes he should have to answer to his wife. His wife should get all of his assets should there be an affair. However if a child is involved than a man should have to pay her support for the child not her. A mistress is a skank and deserves nothing but a scarlet letter!What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?
she deserves nothing for destroying a marriage, sneaking around sleeping with a man who is married to another woman. mistresses don't care about the rights of the wife. why should she get money for being bad, why should she get rewarded for being somewhat to blame for ripping someones heart out.
I see the motivation was to give same-sex couples some legal standing, which is a noble cause, but it certainly sounds like the wrong solution.

I think cheaters (as opposed to children born out of such an arrangement) don't deserve jack.What do you think of new legislation giving mistresses legal rights?
I understand protecting women in a relationship for 2 years and same sex couples.

I think that if a married man cheats on his wife, I think he should pay and that goes for married women too.

Someone will pay one way or the other.
Yet another serious bungle by the legislators.

Isn't this law another back door way of saying that polygamy is recognised. C'mon all you silks out there. Use your legal training to fight this ridiculous piece of legislation.
I think a woman who is willing to be a mistress has NO rights. The only reason I think she should be given any is that it might cut down on the number of men who choose to have them!
Its not far to the wife, the husband should not have a mistress and that would solve the whole problem.

If you can't stay faithful then don't get married.
This is bs. Mistresses know going in they only get what they get during the relationship. They shouldn't even get that--they're stealing it from the wife.
Personally I think mistresses have every right to jump into the ditch where they belong. That's about it.
I disagree thats some nerve after they destroy a happy home and they can get paid to why the whole world would be one big game.
I don't agree with that law as a matter of fact i thing if a person get caught having an affair they should be arrested,man or woman maybe that will stop all this cheating.
OMG, think how many professional mistresses there are going to be now! AND they will all be rich!
takes two so seems fair to me
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  • Does anyone else think increased legislation is making the world worse?

    just things you cant do anymore, for example, at my old college you cant plant memorial plants anymore, they are getting a big tree for everyone etc, you cant smoke, you cant do anything. i know people say about smoking being bad for you etc. but not being able to plant a rose for a loved one in a place you donated money to, sucks. just an example. Does anyone else think increased legislation is making the world worse?Oppression is a breeding ground for rebellion. Did you know that the Labour Government has bought in and passed more than 3600 new laws since coming into power? Our problem is that we don't KNOW that we are breaking the law!

    Labour have ensured that you can now be fined for (and get this), 'disturbing a box of eggs when instructed not to by an officer'.

    Sorry, but this is ridiculous! The crimes that people give a toss about have been illegal for years...and most of us consider that we know at least a little bit of right from wrong without having this namby pamby bull wack rammed down our throats under the guise of it being 'for the better good'.Does anyone else think increased legislation is making the world worse?
    No, I don't think increased legislation is making the world worse; I just regret that it is necessary. Years ago, a lot of it wouldn't have been.Does anyone else think increased legislation is making the world worse?Have you filled in form FY126.70 amendment 7.8 in triplicate, if not, this question will have to be deleted due to you not carrying out a risk-assesment. Does anyone else think increased legislation is making the world worse?
    Yes it is and we are now dictated to by town hall Hitlers, who in turn take their orders from a government that effectively has lost the plot. How we managed to live without these petty dictators is beyond me and I long for the day when the people rise up and say enough!Does anyone else think increased legislation is making the world worse?Of course. Each law passed is a restriction of freedom in some way. Taxation is a removal of freedom. Liberals will not understand this, but that is the reality of things.

    Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?

    Do you know the name or bill number?Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?His biggest achievement was a bill that allowed mothers to kill their living breathing babies after they were ripped from the womb.Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?
    Ancient history, the election is over and he is our next president. Just way a few weeks and you will see a whole lotta new legislation his administration will "author".Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel.

    He's no longer a US Senator. Nobody cares...Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?He has done anything except==except convince a lot of insecure black celebrities that he knows something he actually doesn't.

    He's a great Bullshiiter--and his only claim to fame is ??????????????

    first BLACK guy to try and run--or want to run for prezodent.Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?
    Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act

    I'm not sure if it has a catch name, but the Obama-Lugar bill to help to control "loose nukes" is Senate Bill 2566

    Honest Leadership and Open Government Act

    The Congressional Ethics Enforcement Commission Act

    The Curtailing Lobbyist Effectiveness through Advance Notification, Updates, and Posting Act (The CLEAN UP Act)

    The Transparency and Integrity in Earmarks Act
    he didnt accomplish anything i know of

    16.) Voting 'Present' is Common In Illinois Senate - NOT EXACTLY, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES

    20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - NOT EXACTLY, you didn't write it, introduce it, change it, or create it.

    23.) I Have Released My State Records - NOT EXACTLY, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.Those who voted for Oama, what was the major piece of legislation he authored in the US senate?
    Obama proposed several bills. If you include resolutions and amendments to other bills, he proposed a total of 130 separate pieces of legislation. During the same period, McCain only proposed 38 pieces of legislation.

    I can't tell you which one was "the" major piece of legislation. That's a judgment call. But I can give examples:

    S.3506 : A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the credit for purchase of vehicles fueled by natural gas or liquefied natural gas and to amend the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users to reauthorize the Clean School Bus Program of the Environmental Protection Agency.

    S.3077 : A bill to strengthen transparency and accountability in Federal spending.

    S.2519 : A bill to prohibit the awarding of a contract or grant in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold unless the prospective contractor or grantee certifies in writing to the agency awarding the contract or grant that the contractor or grantee has no seriously delinquent tax debts, and for other purposes.

    S.2433 : A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.

    If you want more examples, I can provide them. My guess, though, is that you will simply ignore this answer and choose one of the ones that say, "He never proposed anything." That's what you want to believe, and it is unlikely that you will let facts get in the way of what you want to believe.
    In the Illinois State Senate, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. He also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

    His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent.
    Senator Obama is one of the authors of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (S. 2180).

    In addition, Senator Obama has sponsored three other ethics-related bills:

    The Congressional Ethics Enforcement Commission Act (S. 2259)

    The Transparency and Integrity in Earmarks Act (S. 2261)

    The Curtailing Lobbyist Effectiveness through Advance Notification, Updates, and Posting Act (The CLEAN UP Act) (S. 2179)

    (Partial list)
    That claim on the first answer was not Obama's right, but women's rights.

    How effective has Federal legislation been in curtailing white-collar and corporate crime?

    I think it has been very poor indeedHow effective has Federal legislation been in curtailing white-collar and corporate crime?Nil. The criminal lover lawyer has granted his good friend and client, nearly total immunity. Only 1 in 100 major crimes results in any consequence to the criminal, mostly not painful.How effective has Federal legislation been in curtailing white-collar and corporate crime?Not very effective. Pretty much criminals in the US do not fear punishment because :

    1) The punishment is often not carried out swiftly.

    2) The punishment is often not severe enough to stop a criminal.

    3) There is very little chance that the person will be caught.

    4) If caught there are lots of laws to protect the criminal and few to protect the crime.How effective has Federal legislation been in curtailing white-collar and corporate crime?Judging from the continueing wide-spread nature of the Offences- I'd say, "not very". Laws are MUCH better at costing the taxpayers Money- than they are at detering Crime (although I might add that they DO keep large #s of Lawyers employed %26amp; off the Streets...).

    What would you like to ask?has there been recent legislation on crossing state lines to facilitate sels of nar?

    Was there a recent law preventing a person from purchasinhy from a pain clinic in Florida and transpoprting it to Tenn for the sake of ditribuitionWhat would you like to ask?has there been recent legislation on crossing state lines to facilitate sels of nar?What is "sels of nar?"

    What is the legislation about the "billion dollar Congress"?

    Put simply, it's about raising our taxes.
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  • Would there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?

    No less.

    But they have been waiting their chances since we got concealed carry made legal.Would there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?It is understandable why Congresswomen Carolyn McCarthy of New York feels strongly about making gun laws tougher, consider her family was torn apart by a gunman on a commuter train many year ago.

    However, to link the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords to new gun laws that will weaken the "Second Amendment" is flat wrong. Congresswoman Giffords has always been a strong supporter of the "Second Amendment" and the NRA. In fact, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' is the owner of a hand gun herself.

    For Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy to try to use the shooting of Gabby Giffords to promote more guns laws - would be the equivalent of a Republican trying to cancel welfare for everyone, because one person committed murder while drawing it. Even during a time of sadness and grief, the political partisans in Washington D.C. refuse to take a break from their agenda.Would there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?
    I have lived in a state that tried to pass restrictions and licensing and I never paid any attention to it or would I ever registered any of my firearms and it was finally with drawnWould there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?Why do we need more gun legislation? Maybe if the current gun legislation was enforced so that those with a history of mental illness could not buy a gun, there would be less shootings.
    Gun legislation already exists.

    Try again.Would there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?Sadly, no. Reagan was shot and nothing was done.Would there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?
    The judge that was killed right there was a Republican. Try to keep up.
    With the resounding loss the liberals took last November, there is NO CHANCE now !Would there be a greater chance for gun legislation if Giffords had been a Republican?
    Guns aRE LEGISLATED AGAINST ENOUGH. we NEED less restrictive laws
    Of course not.
    Let's think back to when Regan was shot.

    Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?

    The acts themselves are already criminal, and in many jurisdictions committing crimes that are motivated by the victim's race, ethnicity, or other status is already an aggravating factor to be considered in imposing sentence. I see nothing wrong with the motive being used to enhance punishment, but I see no particular need for separate criminal offenses.Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?I wish you guys would be so concerned over thousands of innocent people raped, maimed, and murdered each year by gang members, repeat sex offenders, illegal immigrants, and other lowlives. But instead, most of you libs fight for their rights and put them back on our streets again.

    So why worry over hate crime legislation now? Isn't he just another misguided criminal that just needs a hug and probation?Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?
    Hate is hate. No group shouldn't get special treatment because of what they believe or who they are.

    Would the person who killed that abortion doctor be charged with a hate crime? He hated what the doctor did and killed him for it. Wouldn't that be considered a hate crime?

    Everyone talks about how racism is terrible and how everyone should come together, yet we are constantly forming divisions in the races by calling certain crimes Hate crimes, or when Affirmative action comes into play.Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?Murder is murder. How many lifetimes can you sentence a man to? Von Brunn, if he survives, will spend the rest of his elderly life in prison. I don't see how hate crime laws would make his punishment any worse. I don't see how charging a cold-blooded murderer with a hate crime would serve as a deterrent to crimes motivate by hate. Maybe I'm missing something. If so, please fill me in.
    Hello, we have hate crime legislation. It is similar to laws against murder, assault and terrorist threats, but the hate concept adds a bit more seriousness to the charge.Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?We already HAVE hate crime laws, which increase penalties for violent crimes. Hate laws do not eliminate the hate. They can only apply additional jail time, which means little or nothing to someone who is dead set on committing a crime.Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?
    Hate crime legislation would not help people do these things because there views are surpressed surpressing them further would make them worse
    If we had hate crime legislation, every Liberal would be thrown in jail.

    Do you really want to shoot yourself in the foot?Is the tragedy at the Holocaust museum further proof that we need Hate Crime legislation ?
    Legislation is not BULLET PROOF.~

    Does the House version of the stimulus legislation repeal the bush tax cuts before they expire?

    No. It does not benefit the economy to raise taxes.Does the House version of the stimulus legislation repeal the bush tax cuts before they expire?Obama said that at this time he was not going to repeal Bushes tax cuts, so I have to assume that the stimulus package does not repeal it. That is if Obama was telling the truth when he said that.

    If Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?

    PAY ATTENTION CLASSIf Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?Hmm... Nah, the war in Iraq was pretty cheap. Practically paid for itself.

    Plus the Bush stimulus was pretty much halfway paid for by cutting most programs that benefit schools and the middle class.If Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?
    Yes. The budget was busted when he took office, wasn't it?If Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?nope
    Well he did inherit the highest deficit in this country's history.....and proceeded to triple it in his first year.

    Then projects trillion dollar deficits for the next ten years but claims fiscal responsibility when he reduced federal waste by $100 million, less than on tenth of one percent of his deficit.

    He then appoints a "deficit commission" to reign in the deficit starting in 2016, well after he will be out of office, all the while pushing for another $1 trillion entitlement program, even as the Social Security and Medicare Trusts have over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.If Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?Obama constantly reminds us of the deficits he inherited but forgets to mention how much more he has added to it.If Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?
    President Obama DID inherit deficits... record-high deficits (at the time). That is a matter of FACT.
    He's just trying to put the blame off him in the case that he fails.If Senator Obama voted for budget busting legislation, can he honestly claim to have inherited deficits?
    obama, like many sociopaths, actually BELIEVES his own lies

    so in a sense - YES HE CAN
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  • What is the difference between Healthcare and the past Social Security, Civil Right Legislation?

    Well one BIG difference is now we have a 12 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT!

    We couldn't afford this so-called reform if it was a good idea. Which it isn't.

    Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?

    I cannot find any more information on it than this. They are being very secretive.鈥?/a>Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?Its actually for the BATF modernization act (something good, it would prevent the ATF from revoking FFLs for clerical errors).

    But, as always, BE VIGILANT!!!Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?
    Have you got any idea how many pieces of gun-related legislation is pending in the House and Senate any given time? Literally tens of dozens of bills that never go anywhere. On average, the Senate alone receives 140 new bills and resolutions every day (that is an actual number, not made up). Do you know mow many pieces of legislation actually make it to the President's desk to be signed into law each year? Less than 30. If this bill really concerns you that much, than go to, type in the bill number, and then email your Congressional delegation and ask them to give you as much information on it as possible.Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?Doesn鈥檛 surprise me in the least. Some states like Alaska are chomping at the bit to test state sovereignty. If they pass something like that, all hell will break loose.

    Just one more reason to vote them out of office this November!

    Thanks for the heads up!
    Welcome to Communism, Comrade!

    I personally haven't heard of it, but watch what happens when they try to pass it.

    I'll to try to get the liberals out of office for sure!Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?I like how they come up with these fancy names like 'Gun Commerce Legislation'. Why don't they tell the truth and call it 'Operation: Strip Citizens of their Constitutional Rights'? That would make more sense.Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?
    As bad as the democrats are suffering in the polls it would be political suicide for them to push an anti-gun agenda right now. They are still smarting from doing that in1994.
    Should we be surprised? After all, what passes for out national leadership has reportedly decided to push for the UN Global Small Arms Treaty (or whatever that BS is called).Have you hunters heard that the Senate is working on gun commerce legislation?
    Nationwide noncompliance is the only recourse.
    the government always has something up their sleeves. these proposals almost never work anyways.

    What are the consequences of managers failing to meet their responsibilities in legislation?

    The company gets a bad name and the staff can become restless and hard to control.What are the consequences of managers failing to meet their responsibilities in legislation?I am sorry.

    Report Abuse

    Legislation generally may be introduced into either house of congress or both houses concurrently.?

    What is the exception? What is the rationale?Legislation generally may be introduced into either house of congress or both houses concurrently.?Spending bills have to originate in the House Of Reps. The house holds the purse strings

    Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?

    a simple answer will be good.Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?They want to be able to tell their constituents that they did this and that for their community. It is also a way to repay favors for local supporters and political special interest groups that donate the big bucks to the campaign funds.Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?
    Easy way to steal money from us, the taxpayers, and give it to someone else and in turn benefit their own careers. By the way, Obama has spent trillions in pork already, stagering!Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?Oh, politicians hope no one notices when they slip these things in. Crooked ways of politicians.
    To buy their vote.

    " If you want me to support your bill, you need to give me something to bring home to my constituents"Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?To pander for votes by giving out special favors to certain select groups of their constituents.Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?
    Because pork is money that goes to their home state, so they think it will help them get reelected.
    Usually to please either big business or voters in their home state.Why do politicians insert pork items into legislation?
    Pork buys votes in their home districts, pure and simple.
    To help their constituents.
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  • Would the Tea Party people support this legislation?

    Does two things

    1. raises the age of retirement for the first time since the 1960s.

    2. cuts the military budget by 10 percent.

    Would the tea party support this legislation.Would the Tea Party people support this legislation?Yes they would.Would the Tea Party people support this legislation?No. They would oppose any military budget cuts.

    And raising the social security age.

    These same people are the ones who forced Congress to refuse to use means testing to decide who gets social security back in the 1980s, so they are not about to accept a reduction in their own benefits. Some else's, sure.Would the Tea Party people support this legislation?i dont want their to be a retirement age. there shouldnt be social security. i can save my own money for myself. and if the federal reserve didnt exist i wouldnt have to worry about run away inflation after i retire either. i also dont want a military. all they do is cause wars.Would the Tea Party people support this legislation?
    Yes,,,,,,,we have to balance the budget.

    Although cuts should be made to keep a strong military.

    The state of Illinois passed legislation in 2008 that required revocation of a minors drivers?

    license if convicted of unlawful consumption of alcohol, even if not driving at the time, the revocation of two individuals was appealed to the Illinois supreme court and the court upheld the Revocations. QUESTION: How do you feel about this law and the fact that the minors were not driving at the time they were arrested?The state of Illinois passed legislation in 2008 that required revocation of a minors drivers?It's perfect. Suspending the driver's license is one of the most effective punishments the state has for teen offenders. You can't physically put every kid who has had a couple of beers into detention. Kids don't care about fines their parents are most likely going to pay. They text their way through court-ordered alcohol awareness classes. They care about driving, however. Punishment should be a deterrent, especially for youthful offenders.The state of Illinois passed legislation in 2008 that required revocation of a minors drivers?They put the law into place to try and discourage teens from drinking by saying you have a choice between driving or underage drinking. While the two don't necessarily go together that was the reasoning behind the law.The state of Illinois passed legislation in 2008 that required revocation of a minors drivers?That may save some young lives. Driving is a priviledge, not a right. The teens were drinking illegally and had the means to hop in a car and start driving. Still, I am against them simply stopping teenagers at random, while strolling, and forcing them to take breathalizer tests as I've read of some police doing in the past.The state of Illinois passed legislation in 2008 that required revocation of a minors drivers?
    It is a great law, that works. I live in Arkansas and we have the same law. California also has it. What many teens don't realize is the cost that goes along with the suspension. My Step-son got caught with beer in his truck bed. Alcohol test was negative. Lost his license for 6 months and now pays $200 a month (for 5 years) for risk insurance. The monthly insurance is more than his truck is worth.

    Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?

    I am curious, I can't think of anything.Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?I find it fascinating that the only specific examples anyone can provide date back to the 1960's or before. No one is even pretending that the post-Reagan neocons have done anything to benefit anyone other than themselves. I believed in the Republicans' ideals too in the 60's, but the neocons are like a whole new party that should choose a new name because they aren't even remotely like the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act. Today's Republicans would oppose civil rights legislation if it were put to a vote. If you don't agree with that, ask yourself what is the most oppressed minority today? (gays) Now, what party wants to amend the Constitution to further oppress that minority? I rest my case.

    The Democratic party has also changed since the 60's. Today the Democrats are the champions of individual rights, while the Republicans favor corporations and the military/industrial complex over individuals. If you're a filthy rich CEO, I suppose I can't blame you for being selfish and voting GOP, but if you're not and you still vote Republican, you've been duped by the Propaganda of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others like them. I'm not saying the Democrats are perfect, and I'd be happy to have a third choice, but for anyone who isn't a millionaire, the Democrats are by far the lesser of two evils. They've grown more moderate as the Republicans have grown more radical.Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?
    The Civil Rights Act for one, but maybe that's not important to you.Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- opposed by Southern Democrats to a man.

    Environmental Protection Agency --- created by Richard M Nixon

    And a few others. Crack a book!
    What about the civil rights acts? You think Democrats passed them?Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?Don't forget the Earned Income Tax Credit passed during the Nixon Administration. This is a form of negative income tax that really helps the working poor! If you want the poor to work for minimum wages, then you must pony up to the fact that the minimum wage doesn't even begin to support a single adult, let alone a family! Even though the EITC has been increased several times since being enacted, it doesn't go far enough to counteract the negative impact of the real falling wage.

    Either you are for rewarding people who work, or you are not...Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?
    Contract with America 1994, just for one.
    Well, since Johnson went to them to pass the civil rights legislation in the 1960's, I would say that helped a few people. It was opposed and voted against by the Racist Democrats, like Al Gore's father and Robert ( KKK) Byrd. It would not have passed if not for the Reps.Is there a single piece of legislation since 1948 and created by the Republicans which has helped people?
    helping many new billionaires to "get their fair shares"..F.P
    The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) signed during Nixon.
    Yes, there tax cuts help rich people.
    If you want to be a socialist move to Canada.
    There are many.

    Your lack of knowledge should not be a barometer to measure the benevolence of a political party.

    Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?
    Yes, all of them.

    The Patriot Act is a good example.
    Civil Rights acts of 1957, 1964, 1965, 1968
    Interstate Highway System鈥?/a>
    Sure there are. There are tons of Republican legislation put in place to help Rich people stay rich and to help multi billion dollar corporations hide their earnings.

    Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?

    If you're on the left, what is it about healthcare legislation that appeals to you?

    I just worry about it. My 4-year-old son had to have brain surgery, and I worry about what we'd be faced with if our insurance changed to a govt. plan....Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?YesWill healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?
    That's a "fear" bandied about by those who are opposed to a "National healthcare" system, and you can work out the answer for yourself by using your common sense; do small businesses exist and/or thrive in the UK, Canada, or Australia? Or France? Or Switzerland or Sweden? All these nations have a nationalized system, and (the GOP call this a "coincidence", BTW) have longer life expectancies, lower infant mortality rates and PAY LESS* than Americans do.

    The difference between the insurance plan you have now and a "government" plan is that under the private plan you now have, those who decide whether your son should get a particular treatment or not are BOUND BY THE LAW (because the are a company that issues stock to shareholders) to pay out as little as they can possibly get away with...Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?The small business will either have to pay for their employees or not. If they do not pay for their employees and government picks up the insurance...the small business will be taxed. The tax is higher than they are currently paying for health care. The government is also going to make small business pay for all employees. Now, many small business don't pay for health insurance for part-time employees. Under the government plan you see that their cost will definitely go up. As you can see this does hurt small business....

    So if this obamacare goes through...the small business will have to let some of their workers go. To be able to afford staying in business and to pay the increase for the other workers. So unemployment will go up....

    But this health care nonsense has nothing to do with reform and fixing the problem...if it did they would slow down and work on the system...No it has everything to do with power and is all apart of the overall Obama agenda...redistribution of wealth...
    Or, save it.

    Right now, most small business are getting health care by signing up their employees in an insurance pool. If just one employee get's cancer, EVERYONES rates go up !... and it's completely legal ! The new health care legislation makes that practice illegal.

    Small businesses get crappy rates, because they have smaller pools, than say a big company like Pepsi Co. With the new plan, they will be able to get comparable rates regardless of their size. It's a huge expense for any company and it makes it more difficult for smaller companies to compete with larger ones.Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?Your insurance won't change to government , Government will just be an option , not obvligatory , if anyhting it will make private insurance better and more affordable since now they have to compete with the Goverment option.

    If you go to any country with free health care like Canada and Mexico , you will see that there still is private doctors and private insurance , but insurance on those places is a luxury , something you get if you want better than free , but right now it's either their prices or the highway .

    Yes many insurances will go out the way side , specially the expensive bad insurances like HMOs .

    What is my drive for health reform ? because I lived in a country for 15 years with free health care (Mexico city) and I saw both private and goverment run hospitals , and it was nice being able to walk into a hospital get stitched up and walk out of there without a humoungous bill.

    The ones running the advertisement against health reform are the people that benefit from running people to the groundWill healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?
    I am a small business owner and I cannot provide benefits. The cost to provide benefits is more than my take home pay. I also cannot pay the 8% fine. I will probably cut the size of my company to avoid the threshold for the mandate. I will probably let 2 employees go.

    I imagine I am not an unusual case here
    In civilized countries your son's brain surgery would not cost you anything. As a Canadian, when I got sick or when my children were born the only thing I never had to be concerned with was who would pay for it.

    In the US you have been bombarded with lots of lies and half-truths regarding universal health-care and its application in other countries. As a Canadian, I can tell you that our health-care system is not perfect, but it is better than what you now have in the US and, more importantly, it is available to all residents equally. No matter what our circumstances are, we are never concerned with medical bills.

    Best of luck to your son.Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?
    You don't understand it. It will likely INCREASE small businesses and they'll be able to compete with the "big boys." One of the reasons small business struggles with getting good talent is they cannot afford the benefits larger firms do. They lose out to those that want good benefits. Having plans available that can cover their people, will help them retain talent.
    what your son can look forward to (assuming that health insurance reform happens) is never being denied coverage for a prior condition.

    i think that health insurance reform will make small business far more viable, though a single payor system would be far better.

    i currently pay over $340.00 a month for health insurance - i want to see an option that is more reasonably priced and i'm thinking that a public option will drive that to happen.

    by the way, i 'm a registerd inde...
    We have had double digit increases in our insurance premiums every year for 12 years now. How long is that sustainable?

    And when your health insurance gets cancelled because of your son's illness and you can't get any other coverage - you will have a lot to worry about then.
    No, it won't...and you and your son should have nothing to worry about because you'll be able to keep the coverage you already have.

    You might want to stop listening to what the GOP has been saying about Health Care Reform...they've been lying A LOT about it lately.
    No, it hasn't in any other industrialized country and they all have universal health care.

    Your plan won't be changed to a government plan, the health care legislation lets you keep your own plan.
    I would be more worried about your insurance company dropping the coverage on your son for some insane pre-existing condition.
    No, I think just the opposite. More entrepreneurs will be free to quit their current jobs and not worry about coverage. I also hope some older workers will retire, giving younger people more opportunity.
    You mean the small businesses that will be EXEMPT?
    This is a false premise. It has not done so in Europe. In fact it has been a success.

    Does anyone know how to find specific bills/legislation?

    I live in Oklahoma and there is debate over whether or not to allow concealed carry permit holders to bring hand guns on campus or not. I know Utah and and Colorado have bills allowing guns on campus but I am having trouble finding the legislation. If anyone knows how I could read these bills I would appreciate it. ThanksDoes anyone know how to find specific bills/legislation?Your best bet is to check with the Oklahoma Attorney General's office. If you do a search on your browser, it should get you there. Generally speaking, in states that allow the concealed carry of weapons, there is still a lot of hesitation and debate on whether to allow them on college campuses. Some people feel that there is an increased risk of a repeat of Virginia Tech, and others feel that if other students had the ability to defend themselves, the tragedy could have been averted much sooner with a siginificantly lower casualty rate,
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  • Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap & Trade Legislation on June 26th?

    I just finally got the roll call on the vote today in the House of Representatives and it shows 8 Republicans voting for the Cap and Trade legislation.

    I'd like to know who needs to be voted out of office.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?Bono Mack, Mary (CA-45) 202-225-5330

    Castle, Mike (DE) 202-225-4165

    Kirk, Mark (IL-10) 202-225-4835

    Lance, Leonard (NJ-7) 202-225-5361

    LoBiondo, Frank (NJ-2) 202-225-6572

    McHugh, John (NY-23) 202-225-4611

    Reichert, Dave (WA-8) 202-225-7761

    Smith, Chris (NJ-4) 202-225-3765

    For some odd reason many of there phones and fax machines are "off".Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?
    To everyone who claims this is a victory for the environment, just look over at Europe to see how the environment is faring under cap and trade with the EU. Pollution has not abated nearly as much as reported and emissions have actually gone up since their implementation. Also, keep in mind that European leaders announced that jobs created by cap and trade were only temporary in the beginning and that one out of ten jobs were maintained (that is a 90% loss of jobs in the industry). Also, did anyone notice that there was an additional 300 pages added on just before the vote. Once again, in a very short amount of time, who would be able to read through the additional paperwork (how environmentally sound of course) and be able to come back with a reasonable understanding of the addendums as well as any criticism about the added legislation?

    EPA and CBO have made errors in the assumptions regarding the cap and trade bill. The numbers supplied have shown more fuzzy math implemented by the democrats in their continued push for a socialist nation. Once more we see that the democrats have made this into a game and continue to play with our money and our quality of life. While I agree that the environment must be preserved, we are walking down the exact same path as Europe ... and even Europe as admitted that cap and trade is not the right thing to do.

    There should be a list made having every "Yes" voter for this bill and distributed amongst the voters from their respective states (Dems and Repubs). Once you see the rates jump and gas prices climb even faster at the pump, it might be a good idea for those supporters to take cover and prepare to be booted out of office.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?What I would like to know on a similar vein, which democrats wised up enough to vote against it too. If they would like ot come on over to the conservative side - we'll gladly boot the 8 RINOs (republican in name only) that voted for this hideous bill. Push now on your Senators - this bill cannot pass - we simply cannot afford to have it move forward.
    Thanks for listing them. We should vote them out of office for being so against the middle class and poor. We understand why democrats despise the poor since they've felt that way for decades. To see republicans this way is shameful.

    This bill has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with raising taxes higher than ever before in our history.

    I'm sad that people like "Sara" and "Metallica is God" have no clue what's going on around them. How embarrassing it must be to be so ignorant.

    I hope they one day will wise up.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?Any of you supporting the bill read it?

    It is a tax first, and and environmental bill never. when you analyze the way this works, what it does is give the largest companies the ability to pollute at will for a price, and the smaller businesses get ****ed over. Many of those will go out of business, and as such, kill jobs. Everywhere this has been done emissions have gone up.

    Both the EPA and GREENPEACE oppose this bill giving pretty much what I've said here for their reason--that it's just a tax in green clothing.

    That tax? Just on your utilities it is projected to be $1300 to $3100 per household. Add in the cost of all products being raised by 20 to 40 percent and what you have is the bell tolling for anyone who makes less than, oh, I'd estimate 50k a year.

    In that amendment: a credit for each tree businesses Don't cut down.

    If they were to do that for each individual I may be safe. Also in the amendment were immunities for the districts of representatives who were on the fence about the bill. They sold their souls for partial immunity, but if only 4 of them had voted no they wouldn't have had to worry about it.

    I'll be personally campaigning against local politicians who supported this bill. I wonder if I'll have electricity while I'm doing it.

    My only hope is that the senate is remotely sane. If nothing else they've had the time to read the bill and see it's true colors have no shades of green.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?
    The Blue-state Sleepers -- I mean Republicans.

    You libs really don't understand what this environmental scam is going to do to your cost of living, do you? You won't be buying Metallic CD's for a long time. You won't be able to afford anything but your electric bill.
    Mary Bono, Ca,

    Michael castle, DE

    Leonard Lance, NJ

    Mark Kirk, IL

    Franck LoBiondo, NJ

    John Mchugh, NY

    Chris Smith, NJ

    David Reichert, WAWhich 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?
    -The eight Obama called- and Asked them if they wanted Him to stop by %26amp; campaign for their democratic opponent- in the next Election ! All of the said "NO". :)
    That's your opinion. They should be praised for stepping out of their party's platform and thinking what's right in changing the government
    Bono Mack







    Smith (NJ)鈥?/a>
    Yea seriously. The republicans that care for the environment, and understand that hurting the environment will, in the long run, hurt the human race, should be voted out of office. We need more guys that advocate companies dumping and emitting as much as possible, as long as the rich get richer.
    For those to ponder who think business is more important than earth

    The crucified planet Earth,

    should it find a voice

    and a sense of irony,

    might now well say

    of our abuse of it,

    "Forgive them, Father,

    They know not what they do."

    The irony would be

    that we know what

    we are doing.

    When the last living thing

    has died on account of us,

    how poetical it would be

    if Earth could say,

    in a voice floating up


    from the floor

    of the Grand Canyon,

    "It is done."

    People did not like it here.

    What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?

    I don't know but my representative in the state house said that he had to make decisions on 1000 bills in 45 days and nobody can keep up with all of the bills that are introduced.

    He introduced a bill that would limit how many bills each state senator and each state representative could introduce so that there wouldn't be so many bills that most of them would die.

    Maybe, we have the same problem at the federal level. Maybe, too many bills are being introduced.What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?Fraud! Actually it's what's know as a bunch of uneducated "elected" morons not doing what they are way overpaid to do in the first place. Each and every one of these useless idiots needs to be tarred and feathered in public.What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?DEAD !What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?I believe the term used is "in committee."

    Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?

    That is, tax-paying, law-abiding American citizens. Because all I'm really seeing from him is spend, Spend, SPEND!

    What do you think?Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?Of course, the health care bill, financial reform, just to name a couple, i could go on and on.Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?

    Health care reform

    Financial institution reform

    Cash for Clunkers

    More to come over the obstructionist policies of the GOP who have no ideasHas the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?He's allowed guys to stay on their parents health insurance longer so more liberal bloggers can live in their 'rents basement blogging for his support...
    Yes. Don't blame us if you're incapable of keeping up with the news, or if your blinders of hate make you oblivious to this news.


    Foreign Policy

    April 2 2009 – Obama helps form a compromise between Presidents of France (Sarkozy) and China (Jintao) over making tax havens more transparent. The two Presidents were in a “heated” argument previous to Obama’s intervention.

    Government Reform

    Jan. 27 2009 – Administration tells Citigroup bank it is “unacceptable” to pay for a $42 million dollar luxury jet when they have received $45 billion in bailouts from taxpayers

    Feb. 19 2009 – Bans the exception of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars from accounting the deficit. This results in a 2.5 trillion dollar increase in calculated deficit to the United States.

    Feb. 23 2009 – Announces Earl Devaney to oversee the oversight of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Mr. Devaney worked as a Secret Service agent who exposed lobbyist corruption in the Department of the Interior.

    Mar. 9 2009 – Lifts ban on embryonic stem cell research. A major move in changing the politics of research and science in the United States

    May 22, 2009 – Creates a credit card bill of rights. Limits unwarranted spending and gives consumers more options to pay their bills on time. It has been debated if this will negatively affect the industry.

    May 22, 2009 – Tries to curb wasteful spending by the Pentagon on the defense budget by signing the Weapons System Acquisition Reform Act. Intended to price contracts and budgets lower; may potentially save billions of dollars in defense.

    June 22, 2009 – Allows the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have authority over the tobacco industry


    Jan. 23 2009 – Obama orders the close of Guantanamo Bay facility

    Civil Rights

    Jan. 29 2009 – Obama signs the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Reducing discrimination based on gender, age, religion, or race


    Feb. 21 2009 – Obama signs a mercury reduction pact with 140 other nations. The policy reverses roles with George Bush and sets mandatory requirements by the United States

    Mar. 30 2009 – Obama signs the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, which serves to protect two million acres of land and creates a new system of land conservation for the Bureau of Land Management

    May 19 2009 – Obama teams up with the auto industry to raise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to an average of 35.5 mpg by 2016. The program is reported to save up to 1.8 billion barrels of oil or 900 million tons of greenhouse gases

    Obama and Russian President Medvedev agreed March 2010 to sharp cuts in the nuclear arsenals of both nations in the most comprehensive arms control treaty in two decades.

    Obama the Democrats implemented health insurance reform, one of the most meaningful, beneficial social reform programs implemented in the US in a century.

    Obama and the Democrats saved the US economy from the depths of the Bush/Republican recession (begun in 2007).Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?If it is in the best interest of America NO"Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?
    you mean he is supposed to be working for America?

    his view oppose the values which America was founded on
    Yes and you know he has, playing dumb is a republican forte.Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?
    Heck NO He's out to destroy America and the country is letting him!
    He has not done anything good for this country.
    No, nor does he have any intention of doing so.
    None that I can think of at all.
    Not yet.
    No, not once in 18 months.
    no, none
    nope still waiting here
    Oh.Hell no....He would never do that !
    There was the healthcare law. I think that is in the best interest of America.
    Nope him and the socialist liberals are forcing crap down our throats we don't want

    UK legislation limiting noise from road vehicles?

    If the UK wanted to bring in new legislation for road vehicles limiting the noise they produce by their engines etc. Would this be done on a UK national level or would it have to be done at European level?UK legislation limiting noise from road vehicles?could be done at either level

    but a european level would apply to every EU state, UK parliament just applies to UK

    it would only make a difference if the european court of justice, or the european assembly decided that this wasn't ok and made a law saying that you can't have legislation to lower the noise of road vehiclesUK legislation limiting noise from road vehicles?Current legislation relating to size/weight of trucks seems to be specific to the UK as many European drivers get stopped by inspectors because their vehicle does not comply with UK restrictions. Noise legislation might also be UK specific.

    Does anyone know how to find specific bills/legislation?

    I live in Oklahoma and there is debate over whether or not to allow concealed carry permit holders to bring hand guns on campus or not. I know Utah and and Colorado have bills allowing guns on campus but I am having trouble finding the legislation. If anyone knows how I could read these bills I would appreciate it. ThanksDoes anyone know how to find specific bills/legislation?Your best bet is to check with the Oklahoma Attorney General's office. If you do a search on your browser, it should get you there. Generally speaking, in states that allow the concealed carry of weapons, there is still a lot of hesitation and debate on whether to allow them on college campuses. Some people feel that there is an increased risk of a repeat of Virginia Tech, and others feel that if other students had the ability to defend themselves, the tragedy could have been averted much sooner with a siginificantly lower casualty rate,
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  • Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap & Trade Legislation on June 26th?

    I just finally got the roll call on the vote today in the House of Representatives and it shows 8 Republicans voting for the Cap and Trade legislation.

    I'd like to know who needs to be voted out of office.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?Bono Mack, Mary (CA-45) 202-225-5330

    Castle, Mike (DE) 202-225-4165

    Kirk, Mark (IL-10) 202-225-4835

    Lance, Leonard (NJ-7) 202-225-5361

    LoBiondo, Frank (NJ-2) 202-225-6572

    McHugh, John (NY-23) 202-225-4611

    Reichert, Dave (WA-8) 202-225-7761

    Smith, Chris (NJ-4) 202-225-3765

    For some odd reason many of there phones and fax machines are "off".Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?
    To everyone who claims this is a victory for the environment, just look over at Europe to see how the environment is faring under cap and trade with the EU. Pollution has not abated nearly as much as reported and emissions have actually gone up since their implementation. Also, keep in mind that European leaders announced that jobs created by cap and trade were only temporary in the beginning and that one out of ten jobs were maintained (that is a 90% loss of jobs in the industry). Also, did anyone notice that there was an additional 300 pages added on just before the vote. Once again, in a very short amount of time, who would be able to read through the additional paperwork (how environmentally sound of course) and be able to come back with a reasonable understanding of the addendums as well as any criticism about the added legislation?

    EPA and CBO have made errors in the assumptions regarding the cap and trade bill. The numbers supplied have shown more fuzzy math implemented by the democrats in their continued push for a socialist nation. Once more we see that the democrats have made this into a game and continue to play with our money and our quality of life. While I agree that the environment must be preserved, we are walking down the exact same path as Europe ... and even Europe as admitted that cap and trade is not the right thing to do.

    There should be a list made having every "Yes" voter for this bill and distributed amongst the voters from their respective states (Dems and Repubs). Once you see the rates jump and gas prices climb even faster at the pump, it might be a good idea for those supporters to take cover and prepare to be booted out of office.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?What I would like to know on a similar vein, which democrats wised up enough to vote against it too. If they would like ot come on over to the conservative side - we'll gladly boot the 8 RINOs (republican in name only) that voted for this hideous bill. Push now on your Senators - this bill cannot pass - we simply cannot afford to have it move forward.
    Thanks for listing them. We should vote them out of office for being so against the middle class and poor. We understand why democrats despise the poor since they've felt that way for decades. To see republicans this way is shameful.

    This bill has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with raising taxes higher than ever before in our history.

    I'm sad that people like "Sara" and "Metallica is God" have no clue what's going on around them. How embarrassing it must be to be so ignorant.

    I hope they one day will wise up.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?Any of you supporting the bill read it?

    It is a tax first, and and environmental bill never. when you analyze the way this works, what it does is give the largest companies the ability to pollute at will for a price, and the smaller businesses get ****ed over. Many of those will go out of business, and as such, kill jobs. Everywhere this has been done emissions have gone up.

    Both the EPA and GREENPEACE oppose this bill giving pretty much what I've said here for their reason--that it's just a tax in green clothing.

    That tax? Just on your utilities it is projected to be $1300 to $3100 per household. Add in the cost of all products being raised by 20 to 40 percent and what you have is the bell tolling for anyone who makes less than, oh, I'd estimate 50k a year.

    In that amendment: a credit for each tree businesses Don't cut down.

    If they were to do that for each individual I may be safe. Also in the amendment were immunities for the districts of representatives who were on the fence about the bill. They sold their souls for partial immunity, but if only 4 of them had voted no they wouldn't have had to worry about it.

    I'll be personally campaigning against local politicians who supported this bill. I wonder if I'll have electricity while I'm doing it.

    My only hope is that the senate is remotely sane. If nothing else they've had the time to read the bill and see it's true colors have no shades of green.Which 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?
    The Blue-state Sleepers -- I mean Republicans.

    You libs really don't understand what this environmental scam is going to do to your cost of living, do you? You won't be buying Metallic CD's for a long time. You won't be able to afford anything but your electric bill.
    Mary Bono, Ca,

    Michael castle, DE

    Leonard Lance, NJ

    Mark Kirk, IL

    Franck LoBiondo, NJ

    John Mchugh, NY

    Chris Smith, NJ

    David Reichert, WAWhich 8 Republicans Voted for the Cap %26amp; Trade Legislation on June 26th?
    -The eight Obama called- and Asked them if they wanted Him to stop by %26amp; campaign for their democratic opponent- in the next Election ! All of the said "NO". :)
    That's your opinion. They should be praised for stepping out of their party's platform and thinking what's right in changing the government
    Bono Mack







    Smith (NJ)鈥?/a>
    Yea seriously. The republicans that care for the environment, and understand that hurting the environment will, in the long run, hurt the human race, should be voted out of office. We need more guys that advocate companies dumping and emitting as much as possible, as long as the rich get richer.
    For those to ponder who think business is more important than earth

    The crucified planet Earth,

    should it find a voice

    and a sense of irony,

    might now well say

    of our abuse of it,

    "Forgive them, Father,

    They know not what they do."

    The irony would be

    that we know what

    we are doing.

    When the last living thing

    has died on account of us,

    how poetical it would be

    if Earth could say,

    in a voice floating up


    from the floor

    of the Grand Canyon,

    "It is done."

    People did not like it here.

    What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?

    I don't know but my representative in the state house said that he had to make decisions on 1000 bills in 45 days and nobody can keep up with all of the bills that are introduced.

    He introduced a bill that would limit how many bills each state senator and each state representative could introduce so that there wouldn't be so many bills that most of them would die.

    Maybe, we have the same problem at the federal level. Maybe, too many bills are being introduced.What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?Fraud! Actually it's what's know as a bunch of uneducated "elected" morons not doing what they are way overpaid to do in the first place. Each and every one of these useless idiots needs to be tarred and feathered in public.What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?DEAD !What is the term used when legislation of a bill is stalled by Congress until the next session?I believe the term used is "in committee."

    Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?

    That is, tax-paying, law-abiding American citizens. Because all I'm really seeing from him is spend, Spend, SPEND!

    What do you think?Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?Of course, the health care bill, financial reform, just to name a couple, i could go on and on.Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?

    Health care reform

    Financial institution reform

    Cash for Clunkers

    More to come over the obstructionist policies of the GOP who have no ideasHas the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?He's allowed guys to stay on their parents health insurance longer so more liberal bloggers can live in their 'rents basement blogging for his support...
    Yes. Don't blame us if you're incapable of keeping up with the news, or if your blinders of hate make you oblivious to this news.


    Foreign Policy

    April 2 2009 – Obama helps form a compromise between Presidents of France (Sarkozy) and China (Jintao) over making tax havens more transparent. The two Presidents were in a “heated” argument previous to Obama’s intervention.

    Government Reform

    Jan. 27 2009 – Administration tells Citigroup bank it is “unacceptable” to pay for a $42 million dollar luxury jet when they have received $45 billion in bailouts from taxpayers

    Feb. 19 2009 – Bans the exception of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars from accounting the deficit. This results in a 2.5 trillion dollar increase in calculated deficit to the United States.

    Feb. 23 2009 – Announces Earl Devaney to oversee the oversight of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Mr. Devaney worked as a Secret Service agent who exposed lobbyist corruption in the Department of the Interior.

    Mar. 9 2009 – Lifts ban on embryonic stem cell research. A major move in changing the politics of research and science in the United States

    May 22, 2009 – Creates a credit card bill of rights. Limits unwarranted spending and gives consumers more options to pay their bills on time. It has been debated if this will negatively affect the industry.

    May 22, 2009 – Tries to curb wasteful spending by the Pentagon on the defense budget by signing the Weapons System Acquisition Reform Act. Intended to price contracts and budgets lower; may potentially save billions of dollars in defense.

    June 22, 2009 – Allows the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have authority over the tobacco industry


    Jan. 23 2009 – Obama orders the close of Guantanamo Bay facility

    Civil Rights

    Jan. 29 2009 – Obama signs the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Reducing discrimination based on gender, age, religion, or race


    Feb. 21 2009 – Obama signs a mercury reduction pact with 140 other nations. The policy reverses roles with George Bush and sets mandatory requirements by the United States

    Mar. 30 2009 – Obama signs the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, which serves to protect two million acres of land and creates a new system of land conservation for the Bureau of Land Management

    May 19 2009 – Obama teams up with the auto industry to raise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards to an average of 35.5 mpg by 2016. The program is reported to save up to 1.8 billion barrels of oil or 900 million tons of greenhouse gases

    Obama and Russian President Medvedev agreed March 2010 to sharp cuts in the nuclear arsenals of both nations in the most comprehensive arms control treaty in two decades.

    Obama the Democrats implemented health insurance reform, one of the most meaningful, beneficial social reform programs implemented in the US in a century.

    Obama and the Democrats saved the US economy from the depths of the Bush/Republican recession (begun in 2007).Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?If it is in the best interest of America NO"Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?
    you mean he is supposed to be working for America?

    his view oppose the values which America was founded on
    Yes and you know he has, playing dumb is a republican forte.Has the Obama administration endorsed ANY legislation that is in the best interest of America?
    Heck NO He's out to destroy America and the country is letting him!
    He has not done anything good for this country.
    No, nor does he have any intention of doing so.
    None that I can think of at all.
    Not yet.
    No, not once in 18 months.
    no, none
    nope still waiting here
    Oh.Hell no....He would never do that !
    There was the healthcare law. I think that is in the best interest of America.
    Nope him and the socialist liberals are forcing crap down our throats we don't want

    What rights does a member of canadian legislation have?

    we are american and want to immigrate to canada, we want to know since his grandfather was a member of the canadian legislation would we be granted residency.What rights does a member of canadian legislation have?I don't know if you have prefential treatment just because your grandfather was a member of the government. I would think you would have to go through the same paperwork as everyone else.

    check out the governments website, I remember reading something about military and government workers but I don't think it pertained to family in the government, just the applicants.

    all you can do is ask....What rights does a member of canadian legislation have?Do you mean a Member of Parliament?

    2 examples of famous legislation congress passed?

    what are 2 examples of famous legislation congress passed and what this example of legislation did or does??

    its for school.2 examples of famous legislation congress passed?Social Security, Medicare. should not hav to explain.*2 examples of famous legislation congress passed?Credit Card bill of right

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  • What skills do micro level social workers bring to monitoring legislation?

    Monitoring is the process of overseeing tha trules and regulations, budget allocations, and agency compliance are consistent with the intent of the Law. Social work skills are very effective in all stages of this process. What social work skills do generalist, micro-level social workers bring to this monitoring process?What skills do micro level social workers bring to monitoring legislation?Sometimes policies look good on paper but are disasters in practice. Micro social workers are able to explain the unintended consequences of policies/laws on the average everyday citizen because that is their clientele.What skills do micro level social workers bring to monitoring legislation?Well first of all, the skills required would be exessive talking, blabbering , and of course pure bull. To determine the true effect of one on a social level one must understand the true genius in ones own mind. In a micro level.. well i would call on the smerfs.

    What are the main pieces of legislation that relate to protecting safeguarding children?

    what are the main pieces of legislation that relate to protecting safeguarding childrenWhat are the main pieces of legislation that relate to protecting safeguarding children?The United Kingdom has a large number of laws protecting children and guaranteeing them basic rights 鈥?both for areas in which there is now an 鈥榚ntitlement鈥?such as education, as well as in areas in which they need rights to ensure protection, such as in the criminal justice system, child trafficking, and labor laws.

    See source for details.

    What are the legal and rational arguments against hate crime legislation and enhanced punishments for haters?

    There aren't any. It's just placing one minority in a higher status than society at large. When blacks ADMIT to killing white for racist reasons, it's not considered a hate crime. ANY time a white pserson kills a black person, even in self defense, there will be those who claim it was a hate crime. It's legalizedracism just like affirmative action.

    Name one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?




    He has served 10 terms/20 years in Congress. You should have plenty of material to draw from.Name one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?There is nothing he has said or done or otherwise voted for that has been against any principles of the constitution.

    He has always returned his unused portion of hid budgetary allowance used to run his congressional office and staff. Hwe has never taken a first class or any other junket that all politicians take tio visit other countries or cities and use the trip as a working vacation.

    He has always and consistently voted in accordance with the constitution

    He has never gone back on his word and has always consistently voted for his principles and he has never changed his position in alll his political career in congress which is something none of the 100 senators or the other 434 representatives of of the house can say that they have done.

    He doesn't take money from corporations and special interest lobbyist groups and so therefore he is beholding only to his own conscience and to his constituents in his congressional district in Texas.

    He is a refreshing change in comparision to alll the other phony politiicians of which ever party they belong to..

    That is why the meida don't pay attention to him hoping that people won't hear about him and take an interest in him.Name one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?
    Ron Paul is very good candidate, but honorable Barack Hussein Obama is much better.

    Should Ron Paul study the holy Koran, the members of our Mosque will support him in 2016 after Obama completes his two terms, Allah willing.Name one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?He votes against unconstitutional tax increases.

    Say what you want about the man, but I'd rather have Congress' chambers filled with Ron Paul clones than what's in there now.Name one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?
    This cult of Obama thing scares me. Ron Paul is the only good candidate we have out there and the people ignore him for some snake oil salesman like Obama who uses pretty, fluffy speech, but has no substance to deliver.Name one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?Only thing I can think of is his anti choice position. He's been great on stopping the war in Iraq as well as his defense of civil libertiesName one thing Ron Paul has ever done, said or legislation he has sponsored that is against the Constitution?
    He votes against bills that undermine our Constitution. He voted against higher taxes, unblanaced budgets, and the war. And Obama, well... he's too funny. He said he was against the war, yet, he voted to fund it, and advocated invading Pakistan. I hope he doesn't get the nomination.
    And, is this supposed to make him a better presidential candidate? I can't name a thing Hilary, Barack, or McCain have done, either. Neither did Nixon, Bush, or Clinton (although they did try)

    For myself, it's dissolving treaties with other countries and becoming more isolationist that concerns me about Ron Paul. That, and the over-zealous enforcement of the 2nd Amendment. (still waiting for the government to bust down my door and violate my rights


    Let it go. It ain't happening. If he changes his mind and goes 3rd party, he gives the election to the Democrats.

    BTW, who said I was voting for Obama? Wasn't me. Read that post again.

    What impact will legislation have on the future design of humidification products?

    um. dunno. maybe energy efficiency (everything else seems to be energy efficiency rated these days), safety and increased development cost.What impact will legislation have on the future design of humidification products?try wikipedia, google or
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  • How Does Goverment Legislation permit companies form dumping all electronic equipment?

    All electronic equipment within the W.E.E.E Directive...How Does Goverment Legislation permit companies form dumping all electronic equipment?I work somewhere that develops consumer electronics, and all prototypes and old products that need clearing out must be put somewhere that the janitor knows about- we aren't allowed to put the stuff straigt in the bin.

    I don't know what legislation makes us do this and how effective it is over other companies, but hope my perspective helps.

    What do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?

    Democrats don't care what the people of Wisconsin or Indiana want

    It's all about the unions

    Democrats have been totally bought and paid for

    They do what their union bosses tell themWhat do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?It is a reminder that the Democrats are currently the party of cowardice. I think that former President Clinton probably is not happy with their action because he at least understands that there are no winners when politicians abdicate their responsibilities to those who voted in office. As a president who also suffered a government shut down during his administration, he is probably concerned that voter outrage will continue and the situation will only get worse. Clinton got it, Obama never will.What do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?
    Pathetic comes to mind and will the dems ever give one example of republicans jumping ship to stall legislation through the two years of bills being crammed through on the national level?What do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?Repubs were against 0bamaCare, but they didn't pull a cowardly stunt like this. They were there everyday, being our voice, opposing the bill.
    Isn't this what Hitler's SS officers did with the organisation of ODESSA?Have they got a similar organization?What do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?Sleazy, as usual.What do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?
    Just like communists would do, in Wisconsin they can pass it without those dumb dems.
    Fire them all. Bunch of babys, when things aren't going their way, they run......What do you think of democrat tactics of leaving town in order to prevent legislation being passed?
    typical flee baggers
    typical liberal scumbaggery
    I back them 100% because they are standing up for the workers
    What do you care you old bugger?

    It wont affect the bingo!
    it is what has to be done to protect workers' rights... well done
    We learned it from YOU guys. Thanks.
    ***************************************鈥?br>Republicans Walk out of House in Protest

    "Patrick O'Connor reports on a bizarre incident last night wherein the Republicans stormed out of the House of Representatives..."
    The Government Watchdog ... So much for bi-partisanship. At the first meeting of the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the current legislative session, all the ...鈥?br>***************************************鈥?br>From In a massive flare-up of partisan tensions, Republicans walked out on a House vote late Thursday night to protest what they believed to be Democratic ...鈥?br>***************************************鈥?br>FISA faceoff: Republicans walk out
    It鈥檚 political gamesmanship of the highest order. House Republicans have just staged a walkout from the chamber to protest the decision of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ...鈥?br>***************************************鈥?br>YouTube - Republicans Walk Out of Congress

    In solidarity with Bush's need for telecom immunity.
    ***************************************鈥?br>Republican lawmakers walk out of NM energy hearing

    Feb 01, 2011 路 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - The debate over whether state environmental regulations have stifled the oil and natural gas industry in New Mexico reached a boiling ...

    What legislation applies to human resources operations?

    It would be affected by a whole range of legislation from Employment to Health and Safety.

    I have 3 questions: What tpes of legislation must be approved by the President?

    When doesn't Congress need the President's approval? How does congress raise money?I have 3 questions: What tpes of legislation must be approved by the President?All pieces of legislation (bills) must be signed by the president to be inacted as a law. If a president vetoes a bill, the Congress can simply override the veto by a two-thirds vote in both the House (290) and Senate (67). The Congress raises funds through taxation.I have 3 questions: What tpes of legislation must be approved by the President?i dont know

    What is the name of the legislation that specifically benefits a particular district or state?

    IT'S TOTALLY ON THE TIP OF MY TONGUE AND IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZZZZZZZZY!What is the name of the legislation that specifically benefits a particular district or state?Ear Marks;)
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  • Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?

    like, maxing out allowed employees at 200, which would create thousands of new companies, with thousands of new owners, which would beef up the middle-class.Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?I think your example of 200 employees is pretty extreme. I'd just like to see anti-trust legislation enforced to the same standards that were originally envisioned by Teddy Roosevelt in the early 1900s, and that no single company should control more than 25% of any market.Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?
    I think capitalists generally benefit from trusts, and so would not be happy. They might consider it regulation which would not be needed when industry and the free market can regulate itself.Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?For what purpose would you limit the number of employees at a company to 200?

    You know, one person can start 5 companies, employ 200 at each and get around your limit.Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?
    200 people could never build a Ford automobile. You'd be putting us back to the level of shopkeepers in Bangladesh. You need big companies to do big things.Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?Sounds like the Equalization of Opportunity Act from ATLAS SHRUGGED; and if you've read the book, you know how that turned out.Would capitalists and socialists both be happy with stricter anti-trust legislation?
    this question should be asked after ATT buys out Verizon and has a wireless monopoly..

    Unlimited data and texting.. WTF is that? Oh yeah.. those lucky dudes had that back in 2011!

    What are two pieces of legislation that are currently being pushed through US congress?

    need help, thanks.What are two pieces of legislation that are currently being pushed through US congress?cap and trade, and healthcare. Neither of which are constitutional.What are two pieces of legislation that are currently being pushed through US congress?HR 1207 to audit the Federal Reserve for the first time in U.S. history

    Ron Paul also has a Bill submitted to abolish the Federal Reserve but Congress is full of pu**ies.What are two pieces of legislation that are currently being pushed through US congress?HEALTH CARE REFORM AND CAP %26amp; TRADE, AMNESTY WILL COME LATER

    Does anyone know about the legislation regarding unloading a tail lift?

    Hi, I work at a supermarket unloading wagons. We have no loading bay so have to use a tail lift. We need to find out the law regarding this as we have been asked to unload a tail lift on our own. We have always been told that the law is two people and a driver. Does anyone know about this? COuld you point me in the right direction?Does anyone know about the legislation regarding unloading a tail lift?This sounds like a heath and safety issue.

    Your employer must take reasonable steps to protect you from harm as must you yourself take reasonable care to protect yourself and others from harm. The employer must also train you in workplace safety. If they consider that it must be two people working a tail lift then that is company safety policy and you must adhere to it.

    As far as I am aware there is no specific law that states this must be so, however there may well be a manual that recommends methods for the safe use of tail lifts from the manufacturer. The employer must be mindful of these safety concerns as the legal position in negligence is 'does the employer know or should they have known of a safety issue with this type of equipment?' I feel the answer would be yes if the manual was issued to them when the vehicle was purchased with such equipment or they should have asked for it.

    If you feel unsafe working alone on such equipment then talk to someone, your safety rep or a manager. Safety issues and concerns cannot be ignored by the employer and must be investigated.Does anyone know about the legislation regarding unloading a tail lift?I have put a link in for the health and safety executive, if you put in the search "unloading a tail lift" it has quite a few to look at.

    I hope you find the information on there that can help you sort it out.

    The site is for the UK so I hope that is where you are.

    I hope this helps. :-)

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?


    It surprises me that so many Americans seem not to be aware about Obama鈥檚 healthcare plans [a]. During the election, he campaigned for these changes stating that he felt it was unfair to have a system where insurance companies try to escape paying claims and was elected to bring in changes [b].

    First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. His system is similar to that which works in Holland, Taiwan [c] and Switzerland. It works there and private healthcare companies provide most the insurance to the people there.

    FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [d].

    FACT 鈥?insurance companies admit that they push up costs, buy politicians and do not pay out for many claims when they should [e].

    FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [f].

    That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, the Netherlands, Cuba, Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage. And no western European nation with universal healthcare has moved away from it. And the sad thing is, that the insurance companies have spent loads of money to fight these reforms [g] and loads of politicians are taking the thirty pieces of silver from them to fight the reforms, rather than fight for the health of the American people.

    Remember, I back my facts up with evidence. Those who say they are wrong tend not to. If they are wrong, e-mail me with proof and let me know.Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?It's a job killer. It'll tax small business until they choke to death.Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?
    It is not helping to increase employment opportunities, certainly. Once the bill is actually passed, we will see a jump in unemployment.Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?Yes, by the time they have finished with health care, cap and trade, rolling back the tax cuts you can look at your tax bill almost doubling. Unemployment will naturally thrive in this environment. Nothing like democrats to **** up an economy.
    The big new tax on employers will be another incentive to get rid of employees. Small businesses will fire everyone, and then hire a few people back as independent contractors to get around the tax.Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?Not yet but it will. With the taxes on medical equipment manufacturers that will make medical equipment more expensive. Now tell me how that will LOWER costs as the aim of dems supposedly is? Everything in this bill will only increase costs to the people that actually pay for health care.Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?

    Why would a business expand when they do not know what is coming regarding government regulation and requirements.

    Why has unemployment increased under 0bama? Because of what he is promising to do. He is promising to totally change the business landscape and has made a start with the GM debacle.

    Business does not know what to do. They are not putting their money into anything until the dust settles.

    So much for the HOPE and CHANGE
    Not yet. That's largely what it's for though.Is pending health care reform legislation adding to unemployment?
    No it's not. There would be more than a year before any changes were made, and there should be additional jobs, not fewer, with the advent of health care reform. Some jobs will be lost in some categories, but others will be gained, and that includes in insurance companies.
    i dont no i will check with fox news to get truths
    Fox news says so and that means it is a fact if you don't think for yourself.

    What are the standards and legislation's for the designing of a PS3?

    And any other info on the subject will be appreciated. Thanks :)What are the standards and legislation's for the designing of a PS3?do you have a point?

    standards differ from country to country...(ie video system standards, power system, etc). So be specific. Legislation in terms of what? Safety? Health? Age Appropriateness of games? etc. it's a broad topic it can us the whole day.
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  • In the united States, Legislation reduced the allowable sulfur contest in diesel fuel to____ %?

    please help me know the answer ..I know it has something to do with EPA regulations.In the united States, Legislation reduced the allowable sulfur contest in diesel fuel to____ %?15 ppm for ULSD - ultra low sulfur diesel.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?

    Unfair competition for established health care/insurance companies? Is health care out of control? How can it be reformed?What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?The biggest issue is that the 'public option' will not be able to compete with private health insurance. If for no other reason - private health insurance compensated medical service providers better. As a result, doctors will prefer to see private insurance patients over public insurance patients.

    This will produce long waits and poor service for people using the public option.

    Another issue this would create is that the people who are currently paying for their own health insurance will be required to pay to subsidize the 'public option' in addition to their regular premiums. (Remember that somebody has to pay for all this.)

    I have had to deal with government run healthcare (the VA) before. As a result of that expierence I really want to keep my private insuranmce.What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?
    Nothing. Like one guy above me, it is essentially expanding Medicare to anyone who wants it. Perhaps the mistake was not just calling it that in the first place.

    The money from Insurance that has poured into the "Health Care" debate has done nothing but lie and obscure real issues that should be of concern to everyone. What does the Insurance industry bring to the table in a health care debate? Nothing. They provide no commodity, product or service that in any way improves health care, unlike hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, medical research, etc. Their business offers consumers a way to pay. The only way they can "earn" a profit is to find ways to increase their charges and limit their payout. Their goal is to prefect the best way to assess which people are mostly likely to die without costing them too much, or to limit their services by canceling those who don't jive with their mathematical formula. Their interest in Health Care isn't about quality of service, but rather profiting from the simple fact that people get sick.What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?The public option is basically the medi-care program enlarged to accommodate more citizens. Presently and in the future if public option becomes mandated Doctors and hospitals will be paid in the same manner as now with no late payments really. Remember its not medic-aid which is the plan that many Doctors and hospitals hate because of late payments bu the states.
    it always boils down to money. how would it be financed? would it be unfair competition? how do you control health care costs, which really are at the heart of the issue. insurance companies are not going to do anything until they start losing money. in the meantime, if you lose coverage, it,s no skin off their teeth. two things i want: #1. continuing coverage from employer to employer. millions of people change/lose jobs. they now lose coverage under those conditions. no rejection for preexisting conditions.What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?There's nothing wrong with a public option, despite what the fear-mongers would have you believe.What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?
    because it doesn't conform to conservative values, whether or not is better than the present system is of no importance to cons!
    Nothing. Increasing competition will not put private insurers out of business.What is wrong with a "public option" in the US' health care reform legislation?
    I don't know, ask Obama. He's the one who's backtracking from it...

    Is it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?

    In the UK. Would like to know where the law is written!Is it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?A Fire Safety Order, under the Regulatory Reform Act 2001 was published in 2005. The Fire Safety Order now requires that the employer must conduct a fire risk assessment regardless of the size of the risk.

    Obviously, as part of your risk assessment you (and any consultants) would consider if an alarm system was required and in the worst case scenario you would have to justify why one was not fitted.Is it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?
    It would be in your local fire codes.Is it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?鈥?/a>

    This was all I could find.Is it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?
    Easiest thing to do may be to call your local fire inspector/ fire department. They could give you the exact laws for your situation.Is it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?:PIs it law, a business with a factory must have an Fire Alarm System, If so can you point me to the legislation?
    UK fire safety legislation requires that 'adequate' means for the detection and warning of fire must be provided in all workplaces and other 'non-domestic' properties.

    it's not as simple as tracking down one Act to quote, because in addition to government legislation, byelaws and local policy documents exist, created by local authorities at both district and county level, demanding the installation of fire alarm systems. These vary from area to area and you need to speak to the appropriate local authority on any regulations in force.
    Every business must carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of their premises and I believe it is part of that risk assessment that adequate warning systems are in place. Also, it would be very difficult for the factory owner to get insurance for a factory without any fire alarm warning system.

    It is also a legal requirement that there be emergency lighting.

    All new premises have to be built in accordance with building regulations and I believe business/commercial premises under this would have to have a fire warning sytem.