Thursday, January 26, 2012

What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?

Why do they keep making new laws without our consent. To justify their existence? When are we going to STOP them???What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?If the people feel strongly enough about it, they can squash it, like they did the amnesty bill.What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?
Elect different officials.What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?Stop reeelecting the same guys that screwed us over the first time...until we start holding them accountable at the ballot box....they'll keep stickin it to us
The fact is that we can do very little, we vote for the people that we feel will represent our interests, only to find out that they once elected, owe their allegiance to the political self interest groups that bought them in the first place.

And it happens over, and over, and over again.What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?That's how a Republic works. If we were a Democracy, then the people would have a say on all the new laws.

If you don't like how they're doing in Congress, don't vote them when they run for reelection.What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?

act upon legislation that we do approve of

Steve C is right, an extremely strong show of public opposition can derail legislation. As ordinary citizens, this is our only ability to have any control over the process. Massive protests would be one way to make this opposition known.What can we DO to curtail Congress from creating legislation thatWE THE PEOPLE dont approve of?
Massive Protests. (millions of people)
you can vote differently,and put new guys in that will do the same thing.or you can take up arms against them,that works best 'a little revolution now and then is a good thing...'
The people of California tried this past weekend to have Dianne Feinstein censured by the party for her vote supporting Mukasy. We didn't succeed but we sure sent a message. Many Democrats and progressives in the Democratic party consider her to be a DINO, a Democrat In Name Only.

The hierarchy in all political organizations is very hard to move but we will keep trying.

I support term limits and it is time for some of these old monuments to retire and make way for new people with new ideas. Maybe we have to just keep voting them out, that happens in the primaries so get active and do anything you can to make them respond to the voters or "We The People"

Good question.
You could start by voting them out of office when they come up for re-election.Certainly not by continuing to vote for them simply because they are Rep. or Dem..
Stop voting for the incumbent. Every election, vote for the other guy.
Write and call them, not cry and complain on here. And how do you know what "WE THE PEOPLE" want?

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