Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?

So far Caterpiller, John Deere, AT%26amp;T, Verizon,3M Co, AK Steel Holding Corp. and many others are going to take billions in charges to cover the additional costs imposed by the bill. It is only a matter of time before the jobs follow.

Credit Suisse this week estimated that companies in the S%26amp;P 500 index combined could take as much as a $4.5 billion charge.Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?No.

Now bring on the repeal.Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?
No, and in fact it will create jobs. I thought everyone knew this, but then I remembered that Republicans like to believe the opposite of reality most of the time.Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?This is just a crazed attempt at a power grab. The republicans have no real, factual flaw in the health care reform bill, the media is just creating some to feed to the public so the republicans can retake the congress. Don't be a fool, you're being brainwashed!
No, quite the contrary.Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?There's only one that's going to be lookin good in the future and that's the IRS.Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?
Cap and Trade will give it a run for its money.
0bama doesn't even care about jobs. Look at his SOTU address then look at what he actually DID - he completely ignored jobs so that he could put us trillions more in debt. Get used to 10% unemployment, its here to stay:

"What about high unemployment?

That, unfortunately, won't change even as the rate of job losses continues to improve. Achuthan figures 40% of the unemployed, particularly in manufacturing, are permanently unemployable."Is Obamacare the greatest job killing legislation ever passed by the Democrat Cabal in DC?
Obamacare will kill jobs hard and fast. Since no GOP/conservative voted for this monstrosity, it maybe the end of the Democrat party.

Cap-n-trade will kill jobs even faster, if that passes.
Well it's right up there with FDR, but yes, and this time I don't want a world war to take us out of the depression. If I take $5000 away from every man woman and child in my neighborhood and then give them free band-aides...well you get the idea.
Stop looking at the unintended consequences. All that matters is the stated purpose of the legislation.
The 800 billion stimulus was suppose to create jobs, a complete failure so now they are trying to pass a 17 billion dollar job bill. The only jobs created are government jobs which are non productive because they do not produce any product that can be bought that will have any trickle down effect.
No. In fact over here in the real word it will create jobs, any many of them skilled jobs that pay better than minimum wage. Haven't you Republicans been the ones asking who is going to care for all these people who will now have health care available? The answer is PEOPLE WILL BE HIRED TO FILL THESE NEW POSITIONS! Sorry, another right wing talking point down the tubes. Why are Republicans just so gullible?
Yes, in the sense it creates uncertainty. As long as businesses cannot get a precise handle on the long term effects on their bottom line, and their role, they will be hesitant to re-hire or hire new employees. It's the same uncertainly that causes people to put off making major purchases, while the security of their job is in question.

Most of the economy, including the markets, business start up and expansion, is driven by confidence and certainty. Until they are more reasonably assured they know the exact role they will play in any new legislation, they will be slow to react positively or negatively.
Well here it is, finally! You're not going to want to missed this one.

That timeline we've all been waiting it %26amp; weep:鈥?/a>
Care to explain how that will happen? I didn't think so.

It is not. George W. Bush was the greatest job killer, ever.

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