Monday, January 30, 2012

Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?

If you're on the left, what is it about healthcare legislation that appeals to you?

I just worry about it. My 4-year-old son had to have brain surgery, and I worry about what we'd be faced with if our insurance changed to a govt. plan....Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?YesWill healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?
That's a "fear" bandied about by those who are opposed to a "National healthcare" system, and you can work out the answer for yourself by using your common sense; do small businesses exist and/or thrive in the UK, Canada, or Australia? Or France? Or Switzerland or Sweden? All these nations have a nationalized system, and (the GOP call this a "coincidence", BTW) have longer life expectancies, lower infant mortality rates and PAY LESS* than Americans do.

The difference between the insurance plan you have now and a "government" plan is that under the private plan you now have, those who decide whether your son should get a particular treatment or not are BOUND BY THE LAW (because the are a company that issues stock to shareholders) to pay out as little as they can possibly get away with...Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?The small business will either have to pay for their employees or not. If they do not pay for their employees and government picks up the insurance...the small business will be taxed. The tax is higher than they are currently paying for health care. The government is also going to make small business pay for all employees. Now, many small business don't pay for health insurance for part-time employees. Under the government plan you see that their cost will definitely go up. As you can see this does hurt small business....

So if this obamacare goes through...the small business will have to let some of their workers go. To be able to afford staying in business and to pay the increase for the other workers. So unemployment will go up....

But this health care nonsense has nothing to do with reform and fixing the problem...if it did they would slow down and work on the system...No it has everything to do with power and is all apart of the overall Obama agenda...redistribution of wealth...
Or, save it.

Right now, most small business are getting health care by signing up their employees in an insurance pool. If just one employee get's cancer, EVERYONES rates go up !... and it's completely legal ! The new health care legislation makes that practice illegal.

Small businesses get crappy rates, because they have smaller pools, than say a big company like Pepsi Co. With the new plan, they will be able to get comparable rates regardless of their size. It's a huge expense for any company and it makes it more difficult for smaller companies to compete with larger ones.Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?Your insurance won't change to government , Government will just be an option , not obvligatory , if anyhting it will make private insurance better and more affordable since now they have to compete with the Goverment option.

If you go to any country with free health care like Canada and Mexico , you will see that there still is private doctors and private insurance , but insurance on those places is a luxury , something you get if you want better than free , but right now it's either their prices or the highway .

Yes many insurances will go out the way side , specially the expensive bad insurances like HMOs .

What is my drive for health reform ? because I lived in a country for 15 years with free health care (Mexico city) and I saw both private and goverment run hospitals , and it was nice being able to walk into a hospital get stitched up and walk out of there without a humoungous bill.

The ones running the advertisement against health reform are the people that benefit from running people to the groundWill healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?
I am a small business owner and I cannot provide benefits. The cost to provide benefits is more than my take home pay. I also cannot pay the 8% fine. I will probably cut the size of my company to avoid the threshold for the mandate. I will probably let 2 employees go.

I imagine I am not an unusual case here
In civilized countries your son's brain surgery would not cost you anything. As a Canadian, when I got sick or when my children were born the only thing I never had to be concerned with was who would pay for it.

In the US you have been bombarded with lots of lies and half-truths regarding universal health-care and its application in other countries. As a Canadian, I can tell you that our health-care system is not perfect, but it is better than what you now have in the US and, more importantly, it is available to all residents equally. No matter what our circumstances are, we are never concerned with medical bills.

Best of luck to your son.Will healthcare legislation kill small business in this country?
You don't understand it. It will likely INCREASE small businesses and they'll be able to compete with the "big boys." One of the reasons small business struggles with getting good talent is they cannot afford the benefits larger firms do. They lose out to those that want good benefits. Having plans available that can cover their people, will help them retain talent.
what your son can look forward to (assuming that health insurance reform happens) is never being denied coverage for a prior condition.

i think that health insurance reform will make small business far more viable, though a single payor system would be far better.

i currently pay over $340.00 a month for health insurance - i want to see an option that is more reasonably priced and i'm thinking that a public option will drive that to happen.

by the way, i 'm a registerd inde...
We have had double digit increases in our insurance premiums every year for 12 years now. How long is that sustainable?

And when your health insurance gets cancelled because of your son's illness and you can't get any other coverage - you will have a lot to worry about then.
No, it won't...and you and your son should have nothing to worry about because you'll be able to keep the coverage you already have.

You might want to stop listening to what the GOP has been saying about Health Care Reform...they've been lying A LOT about it lately.
No, it hasn't in any other industrialized country and they all have universal health care.

Your plan won't be changed to a government plan, the health care legislation lets you keep your own plan.
I would be more worried about your insurance company dropping the coverage on your son for some insane pre-existing condition.
No, I think just the opposite. More entrepreneurs will be free to quit their current jobs and not worry about coverage. I also hope some older workers will retire, giving younger people more opportunity.
You mean the small businesses that will be EXEMPT?
This is a false premise. It has not done so in Europe. In fact it has been a success.

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