Monday, January 23, 2012

What person or group do you think has the most influence on legislation, why?

what person or group do you think has the most influence on legislation, why?What person or group do you think has the most influence on legislation, why?Right now with this admin the ones with biggest influence is SEIU and Apollo Alliance ,Apollo Alliance helped write stimulus bill.

SEIU was involved with stimulus bill and health-care , SEIU was involved with GM %26amp; Chrysler .

Top guy from SEIU has met with Obama admin more than anyone else.What person or group do you think has the most influence on legislation, why?Large Corporations via their lobbysts, and its not even close......the next biggest influence is actually foreign countries....and then large associations which may reflect some citizen groups but even those like the AARP are really controlled by corporations.

If anyone disputes my statement, I would love to hear a detailed explanation of it.

Go ahead...make my day !!!!!

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