Monday, January 23, 2012

Did 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?

$800 billion pork filled political payback "stimulus" crammed through without reading

Multi trillion Crap and Tax failure

$4 trillion budget with 9000 earmarks

0bamacare to cost another $1.5 - $2 trillion

Is this a failure of leadership from a naive amateur community organizer who is in over his head?Did 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?This joker's in WAY over his head.Did 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?
One Term Barry screwed the pooch on Obamacare. Obamacare is dead.

The Dems in Congress ignored the GOP then when they realized they were not enough votes, came back begging.

Screw Barry ObamaDid 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?The only reason he's there is to give his friends what they want. Including the axis of idiots.
obama wants to bankrupt this country.Did 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?He screwed the pooch on his wedding night.Did 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?
he's to busy looking pretty and reading the teleprompter!!!
Amazing how much it costs to buy the presidency these days. I doubt even 0bama knew how much the final cost would beDid 0bama screw the pooch when he let The Axis of Idiots write all his failed legislation?
yes, exactly
No How crude of You to ask . typical
yes it is

you are correct

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