Monday, January 23, 2012

How has legislation over the past 100 years?

affected immigration in the US? Have our laws become more restrictive causing an influx of illegals? PS: this is not a homework assignment. I am just interested in hearing views. Thanks.How has legislation over the past 100 years?The laws have ebbed and flowed. There hasn't been a steady loosening or tightening. During the 1950s through 1980s, numbers were greatly constricted, but the spigot was opened in the 1990s, which also happens to be when illegal immigration started (so it wasn't tight restrictions that caused people to come illegally - other factors were at work).How has legislation over the past 100 years?I think there has to be terms and conditions of becoming a legal citizen, Especially since 9-11, Most people who come here illegally most likely haven't even tried to apply to immigrate here, What i don't understand is that people who illegally enter USA come from other large countries, If they want a better life, why not look for one within their country,Instead of breaking the laws of the land that they wish to come to for the means of starting better life. I mean how much respect can you have if you break the law to come to the country you wish to stay in( Illegally, mighten i add)

I think people have to respect that not everyone can come to the USA its a privellege not a right ( like some people chose to believe). Someone immigrates to the USA every 13 seconds ( legally %26amp; illegally). The USA can't just let everyone in,.How has legislation over the past 100 years?No, even if the laws are more restrictive that in itself should cause less imigration. The problem is creeping socialism. Which makes it an advantage to be here rather than other countries mainly to the south.

To compound the problem it also makes it easier for our citizens to forego work and accept welfare. Which creates the job openings for the illegals.

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