Those cuts will never get past the Senate, and, on Tuesday, President Obama said he would veto such job-killing cuts if they arrive at his desk.
To add to the high speed rail debate.
It will create jobs now and in the future, as well as giving it's users access to a larger job pool(higher wages). High speed rail would also increase competitiveness within the transportation industry which means lower costs for all, it would reduce auto fatalities and accidents, reduce health care costs for those who live in high traffic areas(lower asthma rates), and it would also reduce pollution.
All personal transportation is subsidized. Roads are subsidized, gasoline is subsidized, air traffic control, air ports, the military also has to secure the oil in the mid east which costs $.What types of job killing legislation are Republicans trying to pass?
Radical right and establishment Republicans are both trying to pass or block legislation that would kill private and public sector jobs. High speed rail jobs, funding for researchers in cancer research,sharp reduction in federal meat inspections, or the number of police on the street, or agents that keep the borders secure, or the number of teachers in your kids鈥?schools.
Those cuts will never get past the Senate, and, on Tuesday, President Obama said he would veto such job-killing cuts if they arrive at his desk.鈥?/a>What types of job killing legislation are Republicans trying to pass?They aren't trying to pass job killing legislation, they are trying to cut spending and get rid of the unconstitutional Obamacare, the real job killing legislation that most Americans DIDN'T want.
@Peace through blinding stupidity:
I think he is talking about right now, not the past. I haven't seen the current republican House propose any legislation that kills jobs, have you? Name one please. We all know in the past they have, quit being ignorantly stupid.
The GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News' Axis works exclusively for a series of trans national corporations. The fewer workers, particularly American workers who are considered 'high wage' workers, the better. Hiring workers in countries where there are few labor laws, few environmental laws and bribes are paid to the local thugocracy instead of taxes fattens the bottom line. Corporations have used all of the tax breaks they've received over the years to generate cash to buy up smaller and weaker corporations to increase market share. Very little money these days goes into 'new production' as the world is already at 100% just isn't here. Oddly, even the American consumer is slowly being abandoned....why bother with 300 million Americans when Asia and India have 3 to 4 billion consumers? These days, in spite of the bleat about 'Everyday Low Prices', Wal-Mart and the other mega retailers sell cheesey Made in China junk for about the same price that it would cost if manufactured in America by union workers. The profit margin is higher, but the the consumer isn't getting any bargains. The short answer here is that the 'conservatives' have zero interest in the American working class....except to wave flags in their faces and shake crosses to get folks who should know better to vote for them by advertising phony issues like 'gay marriage', abortion and lowering taxes for the rich. The GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News' Axis maintains its own Ministry of Propaganda, the right wing talk show dummies who spend all day everyday warning their listeners about the 'far left liberals'...meanwhile an ever smaller and smaller number of trans national corporations gobble up more and more wealth, assume more power and influence and laugh at the efforts of anyone who points out these obvious facts. Where's Che now that we need him?What types of job killing legislation are Republicans trying to pass?deep fast cuts in federal spending will put a lot of Americans out of work before the economy and the private sector is ready. where are the jobs? right now the house wants to pass anti abortion bills and de-fund plan parenthood.
yes, Fox News, as you wish... the giant head has spokenWhat types of job killing legislation are Republicans trying to pass?
The same legislation 0bama and Dems are pushing for behind the curtain. Please tell me you aren't still falling for the two-party system sham...
None, of course. Literally every period under GOP POLICY yielded increased prosperity across all income classes. No exceptions - ever.What types of job killing legislation are Republicans trying to pass?
There's a reason you don't already know...there isn't any.
Where are the jobs promised from Obama's stimulus and jobs bill?
Are you standing on your head?
Must be because you are upside down on this. It is the Dems. that have been killing the jobs with tax %26amp; spend policies.
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