Friday, January 20, 2012

Can we thank republicans that work hard on writing legislation for this bill even though they voted against it?

that was a lot of hard work you wanted to kill but without it this bill might be weaker. also for all the good idea's that where used to help craft this bill. without you we might not have a mandate.Can we thank republicans that work hard on writing legislation for this bill even though they voted against it?Yes! They are the only ones that listened to 70% of the American people when they expressed their desire for them to kill this bill.Can we thank republicans that work hard on writing legislation for this bill even though they voted against it?
Dems were doing it anyways and they only used one small Republican idea, just so they could say "It incorporates Republican Ideas". Bull, they are just lies by Obama.Can we thank republicans that work hard on writing legislation for this bill even though they voted against it?I dont care what they wrote. They listened in the end.Can we thank republicans that work hard on writing legislation for this bill even though they voted against it?
You'll be pleading with us to help you when you realize what you did to our Freedom. We will be there to help. You can thank us then.Can we thank republicans that work hard on writing legislation for this bill even though they voted against it?Yes, we can thank them. They did what they thought would improve the legislation.

Unfortunately, they couldn't improve it enough to be able to support it in the end.

And by the way, 219 votes is barely a majority. It just squeeked by. It is not an overwhelming mandate.
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