Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?

In Washington, DC?Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?As far as I know, the biggest trouble Wiccans/Pagans have is getting their beliefs taken seriously by different government associations that do not yet recognize them as a religion. For example the VA has yet to approve the Pentacle as a symbol used on a headstone in Vetrans' Cemetaries.

Also there are still cases of judges not allowing parents to raise their children in the Wiccan/Pagan faith.Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?
Nope.Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?i hope so
i don't know, but for clarification PAGANISM is not something "unchristian" it is a religion in itself.Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?Nonsense, that would violate the First Amendment.Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?
no there is not, it's easy enough to checkk on impending legislation. Don't let someone tell you otherwise.
That would violate the constitution of the United States. Freedom of speech and religion are protected.

Now, there are some moves to curb those practices in prisions because more and more inmates are being murdered as part of ritual sacrifices and religious reprisals becasue those practices breed hate and violence.Is it true that there is currently legislation against Wicca and other forms of Paganims under consideration?
I would hope they would not be waisting their time,we have freedom of religion. I read the Army or Navy way back when had a place for non-christian etc. people to go for their gatherings, why would they change it now? And besides what are they going to do,but keep us from speaking outloud about it. Hang the witches???
Wicca is a form of religion and so it is against the law to display this information in public places. The differences between Paganism and New Age start to become clearer after decades, Wicca seems to be an intermediary tying the two together.
It would be unconstitutional, but as you say, lots of laws have been passed which violate the constitution.

There is an issue right now with the tombstones of veterans. A man who was Wiccan was killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. He was Wiccan before ever joining the service. His family requested to have the Wiccan symbol placed on his stone, and the government refused since they do not have a Wiccan symbol on their list of approved religious symbols for tombstones. I think this will end up going through court, but eventually his family will prevail and the symbol will be placed on his stone. Anything else would be discriminatory.
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