Sunday, February 12, 2012

Which constellation is the full moon in tonight?

and when we look out at the sky at the moon will it be the area of this constellation??

please explain, will the entire sky tonight be this constellation or not?

or why not?

Thanks for your answers!Which constellation is the full moon in tonight?A Constallation is a group of stars,not the whole sky. The moon is now in Taurus the bull,which rises in the late evening,and is now in the southern sky,in UK. The bright star right underneath the Moon is Aldeberan,the eye of the bull. The name means 'rival of Mars' in Arabic,because it's so reddish looking,like Mars. Most of the star names we use come from Arabic. To the bottom left of there,the constelation of Orion can be seen,with the three stars of the belt in the middle,the bright star Betelguise at the top right,and the bright star Rigil at the bottom left. The Moon is in the upper part of Taurus. The Moon moves a bit more to the left each day,as you face it. Tomorrow it will be near the eastern (left-hand) side of Taurus. The bright star right under it now will be to the bottom right of it tomorrow,because the Moon has moved. It goes about 12 degrees a day to the east,roughly...........You won't see much of the rest of Taurus because the bright Moon is right in it,so only the really bright stars show up. Another two days,you'll get a better view of it,and even better a couple of days after that when the Moon is out of the way.......Altogether there are 88 constellations. About half of them can be seen from Uk,and the others are too far south so you can only see them if you travel to the southern hemisphere. Also,about half the ones you can see from here are below the horizon at any one time,so that leaves around 20 constellations you can see at once,but it varies because some are bigger than others.........................If you look at the Popastro link,you'll see a star-mappy looking picture full of dots to the left. Click on it and you'll see Taurus under the middle and Orion to the left,like the real sky.Perseus is in the middle,look left and down a bit from there. The maps in Stellarium are much better,and great to look at.................................http://www.popastro.comWhich constellation is the full moon in tonight?First of all, technically the Moon is not Full tonight. It won't be Full until 16:37 UT tomorrow. At the moment, the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, and will still be in Taurus when it reaches Full -- it's a large constellation. Full Moon is a very specific instant when the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun. Usually, in casual conversation, we refer to the Moon as "Full" when it's a day or two plus or minus the exact time of being Full.

The constellation Taurus, although it's fairly large, is only a small part of the whole sky, which comprises 88 constellations. At any given time on any given night there are dozens of constellations visible in the sky.Which constellation is the full moon in tonight?The moon will be full at 4:39 pm, UT, tomorrow. It will be in Taurus.

It is in Taurus now. It will be in Taurus for the rest of the night.

Next month it will be in Gemini. The month after that, it will be in Leo. It skips cancer. Cancer is a fairly small constellation.

The constellations don't change size. Taurus is about the size of a football, held at arm's length. (Or maybe a basketball. Or a penguin.)Which constellation is the full moon in tonight?
the moon is in taurus tonight. it will be in taurus all night. i'm not sure what else you're asking.

go outside tonight and see for yourself. compare the position of the moon in the early evening with its position in the wee hours.

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