Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?

It is in the southern sky, about 25 Deg. above the horizon.

I am in Korea. Seen at 7:30 pm.What is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?there are pieces of eridanus and cetus in the direction you describe, assuming your observations are right now.

while the southern cross looks like a kite to many first-time observers, it is below your horizon.What is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?
You've given most of the information needed for identification except the _date_ when it is visible. If this is currently visible, something else in your information is wrong, because there is no constellation resembling a kite in the location you describe. Double check the time, altitude, and direction. If it's more to the southeast, it might be the Belt and Sword of Orion: three stars in a row, with three smaller stars below it?

Other answers are obviously wrong, such as the Southern Cross (below your horizon) and Delphinus (wrong time of year).What is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?The constellation Bootes is in a figure of a Kite

Delphinus looks like a small, diamond-shaped kiteWhat is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?
Hmmm -

I would agree with Delphinus, but its almost due west. You might be seeing part of the constellation Cetus. It's pretty widespread, and portions of it sort of look like a kite.What is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?It is the Southern Cross.What is the name of the constellation that looks like a small kite?
Whoa...You're in Korea and yet you can see Crux? Too far north...,Maybe something else.

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