Saturday, February 18, 2012

Do we see a differant major constellation in the sky at night for each month the Earth travels around SUN?

and do we see only one of the 12 major Constellations in the sky at night for each month as predominant??

talking about the 12 major ones, Scorpius, Sagitterius, Libra, etc.

and when one says the Moon is in Gemini how can it already be in Taurus the next few nights?

please explain.Do we see a differant major constellation in the sky at night for each month the Earth travels around SUN?Yes. The constellations change with the seasons. Which constellations were rising at sunrise was how the seasons used to be measured. The sun moves through about 30 degrees every month,so the stars lying just behind it seen from Earth are always changing. Actually it's the Earth that's moving but it looks like the sun is moving to us,just like when you're in a car and the scenery goes whizzing by,but really it's the car that's moving. The 12 constellations of the Zodiac are the ones the sun appears to pass through. There is another one not usually included by the astrology people, caled Ophiucus (pronounced....oh-fy-ooo-kus) which the sun passes through very briefly.........We can see the constellations each side of where the Moon is,because each one only covers a bit of the sky. The Moon is in Taurus now,but we can see Gemini quite close to it. We can't see the constellation the sun is in because it's daytime then,of course,so those stars don't show. The Moon moves about 12 degrees a day,so if a constellation is twenty-four degrees across in the direction the Moon is travelling it takes two days for the Moon to cross it. Altogether the Sun,Moon and Planets can appear in 22 different constellations,not just the 12 that astrology people use. So that mucks up Astrology big time...don't tell them,they get annoyed,,,haha...I explained it at an observatory in Chile to a crowd of visitors because the lecturer didn't have enough English (they speak Spanish there).....the woman who asked nearly fainted,,,all her life she believed it was 12,and they forecast everything properly.....hahaha...poor woman.......Some of the constellations are quite small,and some we can't see properly in Uk. Scorpius only half rises here..we can't see the bottom half with the curl of stars called 'the sting'.because it's too far south. Aries is very small. Taurus is one of the bigger ones. On that link with the constellations,find Scorpius in the drop-down menu...all we see in UK and North America is the top bit,down to to just below the bright star Antares.which is marked with a letter 'a'...actually it's alpha in the Greek alphabet to denote the star as the brightest in the constellation.......In Taurus,Aldeberan is Alpha Tauri to astronomers. The second brightest is Beta Tauri, and so on. There's a number sytem too,so it all gets a bit confusing.

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