Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What constellation with four stars can't be seen from Earth but guides sailors home?

I really need help! Please don't waste an answer to say that "I don't know." HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What constellation with four stars can't be seen from Earth but guides sailors home?The only thing I can think of is the southern constellation Reticulum, meaning the reticle cross hairs of a telescope that is used (at least back then) for navigation. It has 4 major stars and it is not visible from most of the northern hemisphere, although it is clearly seen in the southern hemisphere.

ADDED: At least 2 of the 4 stars making up Reticulum are right at the edge of visible magnitude - so the constellation nearly falls into the category of "can't be seen from Earth." I am not sure why these particular stars were ever chosen to form a constellation, since they are so dim.What constellation with four stars can't be seen from Earth but guides sailors home?
Ok...the "can't be seen from Earth" part didn't make much sense. If you meant "can't be seen from the Northern hemisphere", then that would be the constellation Crux, or Southern Cross, it contains 4 stars and is only visible in the southern hemisphere. Since the southern sky lacks an easily visible pole star, the Crux constellation is generally used as a marker that points south and is very useful in navigation.What constellation with four stars can't be seen from Earth but guides sailors home?Yeah the previous answerer got it.....In order to be consider a constellation it has to be seen from Earth....Other wise we would not know its there.....and as he mentioned....probably you mean a constellation that contains 4 stars not visible to the naked eye...But not that its a constellation that only has 4 stars and no visible from Earth. At least that is the way I understood your question.What constellation with four stars can't be seen from Earth but guides sailors home?
There is no constellation that can't be seen from Earth. By definition, a constellation HAS to be seen from Earth in order to be a Constellation.

Maybe the question you are trying to answer is: What constellation (with four stars that can't be seen from Earth) guides sailors home?

.What constellation with four stars can't be seen from Earth but guides sailors home?I understand your would be the constellation with the Dog Star, Sirius, in it.

Just as the Seven Sisters is touted as having only 7 stars, on a very clear night, you can see there are 9 stars.

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