Saturday, February 18, 2012

Does anyone have a good website for a constellation/star map that constains Lupus?

i need a star map that contains Lupus and is easy to read and can show me some of the constellations near Lupus. please help!Does anyone have a good website for a constellation/star map that constains Lupus?Sign up to the sky chart on this page and set it for your city and a good time to go outside and look. You can change the time of course, but if you keep the website as a favourite, it will default to that time whenever you open it up. The advantage of this one is it's simple, but it gives you a whole-sky view at once.鈥?/a>

Lupus is a strange one. Can I first make sure you don't mean Lepus, which is at the foot of Orion and visible more of the year to more of the world?

Lupus is geting towards the south, so if you're in the Northern Hemisphere you'll only see it if you're in California, Florida, or further south. And that's just for a short part of the year anyway. The two largest constellations it's between are Scorpius and Centaurus.Does anyone have a good website for a constellation/star map that constains Lupus?Actually, I have a website and a computer program to recommend.

you can check for your constellation but keep in mind these are maps for navigating the night sky.

if you want a simulated view of the night sky, you can download the program "stellarium" from it is still in beta but i've used it and it is absolutely amazing =D

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