Thursday, February 2, 2012

What is the legislation that is in place that restricts who may treat animals, in health and first aid?

I've been looking and can not find out the legislation that restrics treatment to animals in relation to giving first aid and vererinary practice.

I need to know the law for an assigmnent

but as yet to solution iludes me

any help will be apreaciatedWhat is the legislation that is in place that restricts who may treat animals, in health and first aid?I'm assuming you're in the United States and the link below may help you. I think it all depends on which state you're talking about. In California "It is unlawful for any person to practice veterinary medicine or any branch thereof in this State unless at the time of so doing, such person holds a valid, unexpired, and unrevoked license as provided in this chapter." Each state is listed. Good luck on your assignment.What is the legislation that is in place that restricts who may treat animals, in health and first aid?Does this link help ?

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