And how do you prove hatred? I watched on The Coral Ridge Hour a man who was a former homosexual tell the story of how he was punished by law for telling a gay man that the path he is taking goes nowhere, only to pain. The man was motivated by compassion and mercy, not by hate, yet he still had to go through the months of trials and (if I remember correctly) had to go through simpathy training, led by a lesbian couple.
This legislation hurts more people than it helps. besides, it's unconstitutional. the first amendment forbids the abridgement of the Freedom of Speech.
Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?'Hate', in the context of "hate crime", is a subjective term. It's something being pushed by the usual suspects, the Jewish ADL, the Jewish ACLU, etc. There's no way of dertermining whether or not someone committed a crime out of racial hatred. Moreover, so-called hate crimes are seldom applied to non-whites who victimize whites, but are almost always charged on whites who victimize non-whites (even though race was irrelavent). 'Hate crimes' are just another way of trying to get rid of the white male.Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?
So true! Hello Mr. Orwell.
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Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?Actually its not realy heathly at allIt is not good for America. Murder is murder. Taking a life is wrong for WHATEVER reason. It makes little difference whether you did it because you hate blacks or whites or cripples. Murder is murder and all deserves the same penalty. It matters not WHY you killed someone but rather that you lacked the self restraint or moral fortitude to stop yourself from harming another.
As long as we continue to identify race, gender, and sexual identifications we will always be referred to as such. Take these classifications off the applications and guess what... magically we are all the same.Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?Hate Crime is simply another word for Orwell's "thoughtcrime".
Hate crime legislation is an insidious way for government to get into our heads and attempt to read the minds and motives of a criminal and his/her acts.
There are many lifestyle choices that lead to pain and suffering, so why should a sincere effort to counsel a person regarding homosexual behavior be considered "hate" when counseling someone regarding out of control drug abuse not be considered "hate".
Orwell was right. We've been living 1984 for over twenty years.
Hate Crime Legislation is nothing more than thought control.Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?
Committing a crime because of hate is not protected by the 1st amendment! That isn't speech, that's a crime!
its not good for america at all!!!! if you are white and should just so happen to get into a fight with a protected minority all they will say is that he called me the N word or called me a beaner and then its bye bye to you my friend!!Why is Hate Crime Legislation good for America?
I oppose Hate Crime Legislation, but for different reasons than yourself, or many conservatives, which I consider myself a strong member of.
I believe that Hate Crime Legislation is wrong because it lessens the respectibility and diminishes the member of whichever group is trying to obtain particular recognition.
By singling out a particular group for special protection, that reflects, wrongly or corectly, that the members of that particular group are somehow less human than the general population.
Is this person or that person just as good as me? Are you or they just as good a citizen, deserving equal protection under the law? Yes. We should all be treated as equal.
Which brings me to the following point. We already have laws on the books for most crimes of one person or group commiting a greivous act against an individual or group. If I decide to murder m neighbor because I broke into his house, the penalty is clear; death or eternity in prison. If Bob murders Dave merely because he is gay, same punishment.
Denying someone housing for any reason other than their credit worthiness is illegal. Doesn't matter if he or she is gay, black, brown, yellow, or straight. It is illegal. And there are penalties.
Harsher penalties simply because of membership in any particular group diminishes that group, and calls into question their ability to think for themselves.
This is in response to the gentelman below, in regards to him believeing that I am trying to "stick it to the atheist".
I DO understand the difference between hate speech and compassion. But to a Christian, what fringe radical religeous haters spew IS hate speech. If you advocate compassion, yet allow venom and vile to spew from the mouth of a radical protesting atheist, then you must allow the protest from a Christian.
By suggesting that I wouldf think differently if I were black, Jewish, or homosexual, that I might think differntly if placed in their shoes.
Hate is hate. I don't particularly like serviously overweight people. Or unattatractive people, unattractive in my eyes. Simply because I have those preferences should not, and does not mean that I am less of a compassionate or caring person.
I don't hate gays. I don't hate Jews. I don't hate blacks. Those whom I choose to associate with are as diverse as any group. But diversity for diversities sake is backward and moronic. The individual is what matters. The indivual is what I care about.
If one of my friends shoots a black person, he should be tried as a murder, not as anything more or less. By relegating the black to special status relegates that black to substandard. The black is just as good or bad as we.
You also suggested that I (we) walk in Jesus' sandals. I did. For a long time. I was a strong follower of Jesus and His principles. But keep in mind that we should follow ALL of His principles, not just the ones that foster our personal agenda. Readers of Genesis will understand....
Genesis 2 "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
Clearly, God was refering to a man and a WOMAN. God blessed them as man and wife. NOT man and man.
Genesis 19:4-8 " Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them." But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, and said, "Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly. "Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof."
Since God destroyed this town for exactly these mens actions, I doubt He was pleased with them.
Leviticus 18:22 " And with a man you shall not lie with as a man lies with a woman; it is an abomination"
Leviticus 20:13 " If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
There are more instances of God's displeasure of homosexuals, but the point has been made.
Don't ask us to walk in Jesus' sandals. Yes, He was / is compassionate. But, He also had laws. Don't pick and choose which to follow.
By the way, I am an atheist.
It's not good for America at all,it's ridiculous.
Perhaps if you were black or Jewish or a homosexual you might begin to see the rationale for such laws. Try taking a break from your video games and "sticking it to atheists" and put yourself in the shoes of people who are the objects of all this contempt and hatred.
You may have trouble telling hate speech from compassion – I don’t, and I believe no well-meaning person could. Hate speech is intended to get other people to despise, fear and hate some other part of the population on the basis, not of any crime they have committed, but simply on their race, nationality, or sexuality. When you hate people, you try to do them harm, and to get other people to do them harm. And that leads to oppressing them and then to killing them. This is what Hitler did.
You might also try to put yourself in the sandals of Jesus himself. He didn’t go around “sticking it to atheists”. He didn’t put down any race or group of people. He hung around with the despised and disadvantaged in society. He told the parable of the Good Samaritan, in which a member of a traditionally despised minority of society did the right thing by helping a wounded Jew, whereas other Jews had passed him by. His Sermon on the Mount says “Blessed are the Peacemakers”, and also the Pure in Heart, and the Meek and downtrodden. Read it, and see how you measure up to what Jesus asked for in a man.
And don’t think that because you “stick it to atheists” you are automatically going to be absolved of all that filth and hate in your heart. Jesus never asked anyone to “stick it to atheists”, he asked us to love people and help them. I can tell you right now, there are plenty of atheists who would be preferable to you in the eyes of God, or any person of general good will, for that matter.
Wow....I'm shocked by the responses I've read so far. Yes--it IS good for America.....and it is necessary. I am Caucasian and can recognize it to be so.....if the history of our country was what it SHOULD be, then it wouldn't be necessary for Hate Crime legislation.
Since our history has been what it was, it's absolutely necessary for such legislation. In a "perfect world" it could have been abolished by now. Unfortunately, our country has not yet made it to this point--proving we as a nation can handle the responsibility of it all. There is still FAR too much ignorance poisoning our nation.
Having said this....I agree there are instances where it has gone TOO far and is abused by people and/or groups in numerous situations. It should certainly be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure these abuses are minimized.
As you already know, it isn't. Glad to see that most on here agree.…
I live in Canada. When I was in highschool adult skinheads would try to lure kids into white supremacy. Booklets, music and all sorts of propaganda were given out to kids when we were at the arcade minding our own business. I think that now that wouldn't be allowed here as we now have hate crime legislation. It is a crime to deny the halocaust so those skinheads would have been charged back then! I think it is good, but not when it goes over board like the situation you just described, that's nagging not a hate crime. But you also saw it on a tv show made for ratings. Not all speech is free speech because we all have the freedom to be who we are without derogatory speech aimed at our colour or religion or lack of a religion.
If it worked for the white society as well it would keep the ones screaming for this legislation in check and there would be less of these crimes reported. Most whites don't fight this because of a disease called "white guilt". They caught this disease when they listened to a bunch of race-hustling bullies who gave them a lot of empty reasons to feel that way. What have we all learned about bullies in the past?
iT'S NOT GOOD. I couldn't tell you how many times I suffered for being white in a prodomantly black neighborhood and was told "what are you doing here, white boy?" yet when I fought back it was a hate crime. The law is STUPID and was passed because the politicians live in a wierd world.
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